SDLC: Iterative Model

In the Iterative Model , the development starts with a small set of requirements. Once this set of requirements is completed , then a new set of requirements is implemented again . This process of implementation goes on iteratively until unless the complete set of requirements is not implemented.

In each iteration , we design , test & deploy . Every iteration has a fixed time in which it should be completed .

Here’s the diagram , representing iterations as ‘Build 1’ , ‘Build 2’ and ‘Build 3’:
Iterative Model Digram

Each Build (iteration) has to go through Design , Development , Testing & Deployment (Implementation as per the diagram)

Check out my blog SDLC to get the gist of the process.

When to use the model

  • This model is best fit for project which are:
  • Requirements are clearly defined
  • Client wants working model at each iteration
  • New technologies are implemented & learnt on the way
  • Not availability of highly skilled team
  • Highly risky project

Pros of Iterative Model

  • A working model is ready in end of every iteration
  • Feedback of client can be taken at each iteration
  • Supports changing requirements
  • Risk management is easy . Highly risky part is done first
  • Suitable for large & critical projects
  • Parallel development is possible

Cons of Iterative Model

  • Not suitable for smaller projects
  • More resources are required
  • More attention of management is required
  • Management complexity is more
  • End of project is not defined , which can be risky
  • System design or architecture issues may arise because all requirements is not gathered at the beginning

So far, we have discussed the Iterative model, it’s use cases, pros & cons.

More information on Waterfall Model is in my other blog’s, here’s the link
WaterFall Model:

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Thanks for reading
Written with ❤️ & passion 🔥 by Rishabh Raghwendra