Spotlight: district0x joins Gitcoin as a Lead Sponsor for the Grants Round 10 (June 16th-July 7th web3 Hackathon)
The district0x Network
In the last 12 months district0x has seen some significant progress. You can feel the hot streak on all levels and its set to continue into the fall and early next year. At the beginning of 2021 several new devs joined us. We also launched new community initiatives to activate and strengthen the core community. To top things off, we launched an aggressive marketing and outreach strategy. On the development front we migrated Ethlance to the layer 2 solution zkSync, updated Name Bazaar to a 2.0 version, pushed new features to Meme Factory and announced the release of an entirely new district: Hegex, a fully decentralized, non-custodial secondary options marketplace derived from the Hegic Protocol — the district0x teams first DeFi DApp.
The district0x DApp portfolio is taking shape and the district0x network is becoming a useful toolbox for web3 pioneers. Anyone wanting to become active in the space will be able to do so by using any of the tools the network provides, from getting your ENS name for your wallet, to finding a job paid in ETH, selling NFTs, to trading in DeFi, and more. district0x is becoming competitive and those who realize it are becoming more and more involved and active in the community. For Web3 to proliferate, it’s crucial to develop the infrastructure and utility of the network even further. To get this ball rolling, district0x has joined the best platform for engaging open-source web3 developers, Gitcoin.
About Gitcoin
Gitcoin’s mission is clear: ‘Build and Fund the Open Web Together: Connect with the community developing digital public goods, creating financial freedom, and defining the future of the open web.’
Gitcoin is a place where developers and projects come together so communities can unite behind common goals designed to empower society. Gitcoin originally started at Consensys with the goal to economically empower the commons. Since then, Gitcoin spun out of Consensys to become its own entity and operate independently. So far the platform has united over 161,000 active developers with the industry’s leading projects. Recently, the platform has launched the GTC token to govern its DAO to decentralize decision making among the community.
Gitcoin regularly hosts community Hackathons and works with web3 projects to drive developer engagement to open-source projects. One of their most popular formats to date are the multi-sponsor ‘Grants Rounds’, where a number of projects pledge funding to the dev community to build new features, integrations and even full blown DApps. This summer’s Grants Round 10 Hackathon is Gitcoin’s third “Stacked Event” to support Ethereum and Web3, running from June 16th to July 7th. Its set to become the platform’s biggest and most successful event to date.
Gitcoin Grants Round 10 Virtual Hackathon
To show support for Gitcoin’s web3 community and developers, district0x has decided to support the platform as one of the lead sponsors. Other sponsors for this round include Polygon/Matic, Aave, The Graph, UniGrants, 88MPH and Algorand, amongst others totaling to 21 sponsors. As a Lead Sponsor district0x has pledged 25k to the event itself, plus another 25k in hack bounties to be paid directly to the winning dev teams who come up with the best submissions. For this first sponsorship, district0x has put forth 4 bounties to be completed by the more than 2000 participants already registered for the GR10 event. With a total prize pool of 25k worth of ETH, developers are incentivized to support the district0x network with features and proposals for new marketplaces (districts). Qualifying proposals stand the chance to receive additional funding for long term financial support and resources after the hackathon ends. The selection process is predicated on our curation and governance tools.
For GR10, district0x raised the following challenges as a starting set for the event (marked ‘hackathon’):
Challenge #1 (district0x-new-project-template): Create a district proposal using the new project template repository. A detailed description, mockup, and potential roadmap is required to be accepted. A district can be any Ethereum-based DeFi or marketplace application. Proof of concept or MVP submissions are accepted as valid solutions and encouraged. A proof of concept will go a long way to garnering support from the community governance processes. Those projects chosen as the next districts to be built could get additional funding and support after the event.
Challenge #2 (district0x-district-registry): Replace Aragon integration, with Snapshot. That means when user submits a new district, a new Snapshot Space for this district is created as well. For implementation please see Github Issue.
Challenge #3 (district0x-memefactory.io): ENS integration for memefactory.io. To improve UX of MemeFactory, user addresses throughout the app should reverse-resolve into ENS names, if any assigned.
Challenge #4 (district0x-memefactory.io): Social Media share buttons for memefactory.io. The challenge is to add share buttons for Meme Detail and Memefolio pages. We’re looking for share buttons for the following platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Reddit, Instagram. Providing a single share button service that handles sharing on multiple platforms is accepted as well.
If a hackathon team decides to deploy an example application they want to maintain and grow, please reach out. We would love to talk about how we can help support your district proposal beyond the initial ideation bounty. As previously mentioned, proposals currently go through a curation process within our District Registry. How the curation process works in detail is explained here: https://blog.district0x.io/introducing-the-district-registry-5adb890363b0). Please note, this curation process is under development as part of the hackathon bounties. So some of the information about the District Registry is subject to change.
Onboarding: Gitcoin Quests & 24/7 Discord Support
Onboarding for the GR10 is straight forward and only presupposes a gitcoin account which you can swiftly create for free on gitcoin.co. Once set up, head to https://gitcoin.co/hackathon/gr10/onboard for specific event onboarding and introduce yourself on the Townsquare. From there you can browse projects, challenges and prizes once they go live. Make sure to also follow the district0x Gitcoin Tribe to stay up to date with all the latest bounties and challenges posted by the district0x core team.
In order to facilitate a smooth and easy onboarding experience for all participants, district0x DevOps have reviewed and updated all GitHub documentation, created a ‘new project template’ for quick deployment of new ideas and generally improved workflow on the district0x Git repos. The Ops team created a number of new Discord channels on the district0x server for specific hackathon support for devs and non-devs alike ( please note those are specific to district0x and come in addition to the main Gitcoin server native support channels for GR10). All channels will be closely monitored during the entire event in order to address any questions participants may have regarding the district0x framework or specific challenges.
Gitcoin’s official GR10 support channels for participants can be found in the ‘Virtual Events’ Category
To integrate further, district0x Community Ambassadors @KyleCrusoe and @RasukiX have created corresponding Gitcoin Quests to welcome new devs to the district0x Tribe and help prepare future contributors for the district0x project. Two quests have been created, one general and one more developer focused, both of which will reward players with unique KUDOS NFTs for learning more about district0x. The quests can be accessed and played by anyone here: https://gitcoin.co/quests
Finally, the district0x core team has also integrated with Gitcoin’s Kernel Block III as a marketing and community mentor, supporting the eight week accelerator program for web3 projects and networking hub for Devs, DAOs and ‘a curated community of brilliance in web3.’
Long-term Incentives for independent dev teams
Once hackathon participants have formally accepted a challenge and started working on the bounty, district0x encourages teams to fully integrate with the district0x network and grow the project to a production ready application.
New projects can benefit from the network in a number of ways: immediate access to a core community, 24/7 access to core devs for support, ongoing marketing and sales support, internal graphic design support. Furthermore, the district0x team has a number of funding mechanisms which new projects can tap into in order to potentially fund their ventures. Financial support and incentives can be offered to any committed team with a good idea for an app or a tool.
Over the last 4 years since its inception, district0x has established a solid foundation for new teams to join the community and start #BUIDLing new apps on the network. For instance, the Educational Portal is the perfect place to learn more about district0x, the Ethereum blockchain and all things web3 in general. On the other hand, the district0x Onboarding Terminal is a link portal spanning the entire network at a glance.
Moving forward, the district0x network is set to evolve to a ‘super-DAO’ as it continuously deploys new districts and auxiliary modules, eventually handing over full governance of a multi-app, multi-tool network to all token holders. With a new increased focus on DeFi tools and apps on the Ethereum blockchain, the future looks bright for this DAO that is yet to see its V1.0 fully deployed. We look forward to seeing the contributions from the Gitcoin hackathon to help bring this vision to fruition. For full transparency, district0x discloses all use of funding and overall progress: https://district0x.io/transparency/
After this first virtual hackathon with the Gitcoin community, the district0x core team will explore private hackathons with Gitcoin throughout the end of 2021–2022 to grow the network to the next stage, crowdsourcing new features, use-cases and opportunities. If you plan to become more involved in the district0x community, participate in this or future hackathons, or simply want to learn more about the inner workings of the district0x DApps, join our discord server at the link below.
GR10 hackers please join our dedicated discord GR10 support channels for direct 24/7 access to the core-devs and Gitcoin operations support team.
Happy and successful hacking to all! See you on Discord :)
Joining the district0x DAO:
For more information about the district0x network,
Head to our Onboarding Terminal for all links at a glance
Check out our Education Portal for all things #web3
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