LeetCode explained: July Challenge 2021, week 4 - Partition Array into Disjoint Sets (medium)
In the July LeetCoding Challenge 2021, week 4, we're tasked with the following (original problem here):
Given an array nums, partition it into two (contiguous) subarrays left and right so that:
- every element in left is less than or equal to every element in right.
- left and right are non-empty.
- left has the smallest possible size.
We have to return the length of left after such a partitioning and the problem has the following notes:
- 2 <= nums.length <= 30000
- 0 <= nums[i] <= 10^6
- it is guaranteed there is at least one way to partition nums as described.
Example 1:
- nums = [5,0,3,8,6]
- output: 3
- explanation: left = [5, 0, 3] / right = [8, 6]
Example 2:
- nums = [1,1,1,0,6,12]
- output: 4
- explanation: left = [1,1,1,0] / right = [6,12]
As we are being tasked with finding subarrays, which are contiguous, it is only natural to search for an index in the array to make a "cut" - that is, the index after which array left ends.
We will make use of maximum values in subarrays of the array to devise a solution.
It is a requirement that every element of left has to be smaller than or equal to every element of right, and left has to be as small as possible. Let's think about this a little.
For the first requirement, it would be sufficient to just find the maximum in the whole array and make a "cut" behind it. That is, if the maximum was at index i (suppose we start from 0), then left will contain indexes from 0 through i-1 of nums, and right will contain indexes from i through n-1, if n is the size of array nums.
That would, however, make left as big as possible, not as small as possible as it is required.
To keep the size of left as small as possible, we can think of a scenario where there is an index i, which is not necessarily the maximum of the array, but is the maximum of nums[0..i] and there is no other number in nums[i+1..n] that is bigger than what is left of index i.
The second example provided by the author presents this thing: while 6 is not the maximum value in the array as a whole, it is the maximum of the prefix from 0 through its index (which is 4 here), and has no number smaller than the maximum of nums[0..3] to its right.
The problem then resumes to finding such the number. We can do this in O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity.
We will traverse the array and keep two variables, let them be called left_max, which represents the maximum value that will be put in the left array, and last_max, which represents the last maximum values we encountered up until that point.
Initially, we will set both those values to the first element of the array. We will also keep a variable named cut representing the index after we split the array in left and right. So, the array will be cut after the first element.
While looping through the array, there are two types of numbers we can find at one index i:
- a number smaller than left_max: in such a case, we need to move the cut, because otherwise we will not obtain the arrays needed; we should keep in mind that before making a cut, nums[i] is to be placed in the array right; so, if we weren't to make a cut, we will not respect the requirements of the problem.
- a number bigger than or equal to left_max: in this case, we need to update the value of last_max if needed, so that when we make a cut we will know the maximum in the left array in O(1) time.
Let's see a short Python solution using this approach:
That would be all for this solution. I'll be back with other LeetCode solutions for my new LeetCode Explained series. In the meantime, feel free to comment your solutions in other programming languages here. Or, if you don't feel like it, you may like to read through my other series - The Magic of Computing, discussing other algorithmic topics!