Fun Ruby CLI project if you like Weather Stuff
Weather Today in a Ruby CLI
So I made my first gem Yay. It was challenging. It was hard. It took me a long time.
I decided to build an app that took data from three different APIs. Why? Well I wanted to make it a bit challenging.
This CLI was built to give a quick update of the weather either by your current location or any location you ask for. Also It provides headlines of BBC news as a plus.
So how do I build it?
The first step was to identify the API's to use:
so I signed for these awesome ones:
- OPENWEATHERMAP. To get the good weather data.
- NEWSAPI. To get the news.
- Abstract. To get a precise timeZone on the location enquiry. They've got a free plan too. So all cool.
So let's write the code:
I needed to get the data for the weather first so I built one Class for the IP location and one Class for a city search. I used HTTParty to get the data and JSON to parse it.
def self.api_location(unit)
response = HTTParty.get("https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=#{lat}&lon=#{lon}&appid=#{ENV['API_KEY']}&units=#{unit}")
data = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true)
@weather_today = self.new
@weather_today.location = data[:name]
@weather_today.time = Time.at(data[:dt])
@weather_today.temp = data[:main][:temp].to_i
same for the search per city.
def self.select_name(units, location)
response = HTTParty.get("http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=#{location}&appid=#{ENV['API_KEY']}&units=#{units}")
data = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true)
@weather_today = self.new
@weather_today.response_code = data[:cod]
if @weather_today.response_code === "404"
spinner = TTY::Spinner.new("[:spinner] cod")
@weather_today.location = data[:name]
Once I located all data I needed for current weather and also forecast I started bulding my CLI. I wanted to get the following results:
- Check the current weather at current location and Forecast for the next 5 days
Check the current weather and Forecast for the next 5 days at any city you name in the world plus a link to the city location on Google Maps. It only will work with city names.
It gives you 3 unit system to choose from:
- Default (temperatures in Kelvin)
- Metric (temperatures in Celsius)
- Imperial (temperatures in Fahrenheit)
Read and open in your browser the latest world headlines from BBC News.
Gives you a funny quote according to weather conditions courtesy of the AUTHENTIC WEATHER APP.
Also a Big GoodBye.
"Voila" you are ready to check the weather and news.
Well not so Easy. I wanted to make it more user friendly so on my CLI I added a few TTY components that are really handy.
Especially TTY-Prompt, TTY-Box & TTY-Tables. Want to check them all click Here. They are easy to implement and you can find plenty of documentation online. So give it a try if you like them.
class WeatherToday::CLI
$prompt = TTY::Prompt.new(active_color: :cyan)
def call
def welcome
puts Rain.go
puts Intro.go
sleep (3)
.-. .-. ,---. ,-. ,-. .---.
| | | | | .-' | | | | / .-. )
| `-' | | `-. | | | | | | |(_)
| .-. | | .-' | | | | | | | |
| | |)| | `--. | `--. | `--. \ `-' /
/( (_) /( __.' |( __.' |( __.' )---'
(__) (__) (_) (_) (_)
puts ''
puts "World's News"
All right. Once my CLI was running and the hard part of the project was done I decided to add some art ;). Well not exactly but something like a ASCII art. There are plenty of resources online so you won't get lost.
Well I know it is a lot but It was fun. What I learn:
- API can be tricky and hard to work with but once you are in the Matrix It becomes easier.
- I need to improve my level of abstraction but for the first project I wasn't so bad I believe.
- There is so much you can do but overtime. It's hard to learn all at once.
- Finally it is cool to add something else you love ... like Art for example. It makes coding more enjoyable.
Thanks for reading ..
So long