Python enumerate()

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The enumerate() in Python is a built-in function that adds a counter as a key to an iterable object ( list , tuple , etc.) and returns an enumerating object.

enumerate() Syntax

The syntax of enumerate() is:

**enumerate(iterable, start=0)**

enumerate() Parameters

The enumerate() function takes two parameters.

  • iterable – any object that supports iteration. E.g.:- list , tuple , etc.
  • start (optional) – the index value from which the counter needs to be started. If not specified, the default value is taken as 0

enumerate() Return Value

The enumerate() method adds a counter as a key to an iterable object ( list , tuple , etc.) and returns an enumerating object.

The enumerated object can then be used directly for loops or converted into lists and tuples using the list() and tuple() method.

Example 1: How enumerate() method works in Python?

# Python program to illustrate enumerate function

fruits = ['apple', 'orange', 'grapes','watermelon']
enumeratefruits = enumerate(fruits)

# check the type of object

# converting to list

# changing the default from 0 to 5
enumeratefruits = enumerate(fruits, 5)


<class 'enumerate'>
[(0, 'apple'), (1, 'orange'), (2, 'grapes'), (3, 'watermelon')]
[(5, 'apple'), (6, 'orange'), (7, 'grapes'), (8, 'watermelon')]

Example 2: Using Enumerate object in loops

# Python program to illustrate enumerate function in loops

lstitems = ["Ram","Processor","MotherBoard"]

# printing the tuples in object directly
for ele in enumerate(lstitems):
    print (ele)


# changing index and printing separately
for count,ele in enumerate(lstitems,100):
    print (count,ele)


#getting desired output from tuple
for count,ele in enumerate(lstitems):
    print(count, ele)


(0, 'Ram')
(1, 'Processor')
(2, 'MotherBoard')

100 Ram
101 Processor
102 MotherBoard

0 Ram
1 Processor
2 MotherBoard

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