Python VS. C#

Comparison of Python and C#

1. Dynamic vs. Static

C# is an exceptional statically-typed language. Its compiler offers errors for wrong typescripts, but Python has a more dynamic type-casting that provides no variable declaration requirement. C# needs an additional compiling step that is not that pleasant for programmers. It affects the time needed for testing and productivity. On the contrary, the compiler in Python identifies errors before all the errors affect the development. Moreover, this process is faster and easier.

2. Easy to Use

C# has its root from object-oriented programming. One who has a strong background in Java or wants to develop apps for Microsoft can consider C# as an excellent choice. Python developers do not have to learn a lot of language constructions, and they can learn better in development. But the C# developers need knowledge on constructions like functions and classes. On the other hand, Python just needs one-line code.

3. Performance

The performance of both languages differs a lot. Python has interpreted language, so its speed is great and depends on the interpreter like PyPy, CPython, etc. In contrast, C# is compiled language that needs more effort and time in writing code but has more efficiency in performance. C# is speeder and has better performance due to the CLI framework.

4. Application

Both the languages are used, from game development, web apps to IoT. In machine learning, only they have differences. For machine learning, Python is the popular choice, which offers developers numerous videos, tutorials, and provides a multitude of choices like Apache Spark, SciPy, etc. C# has a limited choice like ML.NET.

5. Development Speed

Python aims to create quality code using less effort and has simpler syntax compared to C#. Programmers do not even have to complete each line with semicolons with easy readability.