Python challenge_13
The goal of this challenge is to analyze a binary string consisting of
only zeros and ones.
Your code should find the biggest number of consecutive zeros in the string.
given the string "1001101000110" The biggest number of consecutive zeros is 3.
Define a function named consecutive_zeros that takes a single parameter,
which is the string of zeros and ones.
Your function should return the number described above.
All the best to you.
def consecutive_zeros(binary_string):
binary_list = binary_string.split('1') # ['', '00', '', '0', '000', '', '0']
biggest_number = max(map(len, binary_list))
return biggest_number
def consecutive_zeros(bin_str):
result = 0
streak = 0
for letter in bin_str:
if letter == "0":
streak += 1
streak = 0
result = max(result, streak)
return result
def consecutive_zeros(bin_str):
return max([len(string) for string in bin_str.split("1")])
All the best to you.