Build your own library to render JSON response in Phoenix
Elixir in Production: Statuspal
How to use Bootstrap Icons in Elixir Phoenix 1.5 app
Elixir background processes synchronization with GenServer and DynamicSupervisor
Elixir and NIF: a study case
Elixir phoenix - Render Ecto schema to json with relationships
Monitoring Elixir Apps on Fly.io With Prometheus and PromEx
Use canos (pipes) sempre que possível em Elixir!
Elixir for beginner - All you need to know about Guard
Elixir pattern matching in a nutshell
Does Elixir have for loops?
Typeclasses in Python
Three real-world examples of distributed Elixir (pt. 4)
Elixir OTP - Basics with project example
CubDB great fit for Nerves-powered embedded Elixir projects
Processes in Elixir
Learn Elixir the language behind Whatsapp,Telegram, Discord and Pinterest
Hacking an IoT App at the Civo Hackathon, 2021
Bastante Conteúdo e Feliz 2022!