iPhone Vs. Android: Which Is Better for Mobile App Development?

iPhone vs Android is a hot point of discussion among mobile app developers worldwide. iPhone vs Android comparison for the mobile app development process.

When it comes to application development, then It is the first question raised by enterprises that is better for mobile app development iPhone or Android. If we go with the statistics, it says Android shares 72.2% and iOS shares 26.99% of the total mobile operating share worldwide. But the data about the only USA says different things where iOS is leading by 59.17% compared to the Android that is 40.54%. The mobile app development companies are also influenced by it. This data is enough to confuse about that which one is better.

The point is that both have their importance, although there are some pros and cons associated with them. Due to the price of device and apps, Android is being used more worldwide, especially in Asian countries. In the Asian market, Android holds 82.59% that is a bigger percentage than iPhone 16.51%.

Before jumping to any conclusion, let's read about something interesting that will lead us to find out that iPhone Vs. Android, which platform is better for mobile app development.

Common Info About iPhone and Android

The Android

The official launching date of Android is September 20, 2008, and the first version name is Astro, then year by year, released versions are Donut, Éclair, Froyo etc. The latest version of Google's mobile operating system is Android 11, with several features. Global brands such as Samsung Galaxy, HTC, Motorola, Xiaomi are using it as OS for their mobile devices, where some of the phones are best sellers empowered by Google OS.

The iPhone

The iPhone is the name of a phone device by Apple Inc., and the operating system is called iOS. The official launching date is June 29, 2007. One of the interesting facts about it that it is only limited to Apple devices; not any other manufacturer can use it. The latest version of the iPhone is 13 that is known as iPhone 13.

The iPhone Vs. Android

Both operating systems launched or introduced in 2007, and both are parallelly competing with each other. So, if we go as per the world's statistics about these, then Android is leading, and if we go with USA statistics about mobile operating system share, then the first choice of users is iPhone.

Android Mobile App Development



The development process of the Android App is more flexible in comparison to the iPhone app development as there are lesser restrictions than iOS. The apps run on any device supported by Google OS. The mobile app developers, NYC or other developers use Java language that supports all mobile and desktop operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS, Linux etc.


There are more learning resources available for the programmer to read and learn about Android programming. The mobile app development companies in Chicago use it to train the recruits. Even sometimes, it is also being used to train expert programmers.

App Publishing

The developer has to pay a one-time fee that is $25, so as per the experts from mobile app development companies in New York is much easier to publish an app on Google Play Store. Although the rules had some changes in 2020, still it is very smooth.

Multipurpose Applications

The Android apps run on mobile phones, the same app for VR devices, and wearable OS, even though some apps have AR functionality. It makes one of the favored choices for users and firms such as mobile app development companies, San Francisco.


Quality Assurance

Sometimes quality assurance becomes a major concern about Android mobile app development. The app publishers have to release the fix to make the app work properly on all devices.

Version Issue

Android users mostly stick to the older version, which they are using for the past two years, making it difficult for app execution and user-based real-time testing.

Cost & time Issue

Android Mobile app development takes more time in comparison to iPhone app development.

Security Issue

It is an open-source platform that makes it vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The mobile app developers take extra care about it, although sometimes issues arise.

iPhone Mobile App Development



If we compare between iPhone and Android, then performance wise iPhone is best. The iOS platform is fast, reliable and smooth that empowers the apps to run faster and perform well. It is clearly stated by many testing experts from mobile app development companies, Chicago that performance testing wise iPhone apps do a great job.

Eco-System Creation

It allows mobile app developers, NYC to create an eco-system of Apple devices where file sharing among various devices is a piece of cake. Where in Android OS there you have to use external apps for file sharing.

Streamlined UI/UX

There is no such guideline for the Android app, but for iOS, there are some guidelines that designer have to follow. First, it ensures a great user experience and interaction with the device.


Rigid Development Process

In comparison to the Android app development, the process is rigid here. For developing any size of code first requirement is having iOS devices and Mac OS because without its, iPhone mobile app development is not possible. The mobile app development companies, New York, put extra investment on the devices.

App Release

App submission on the iOS App store is stricter than the play store. So if the mobile app is useless, not relevant and does not follow Apple's guideline, it can't be acceptable.

Customization Issue

If there is any requirement for integration with a third-party app, it is very difficult for the iOS app developer to do so. Even the iPhone app's interface can't be customized easily.

The Conclusion

Although both apps have advantage and disadvantage, it is difficult to say which one is better because both influence factors such as – Target Audience, Timeline, Features, Budget and Monetization.

Either it is Android mobile app development companies or iPhone mobile app development, the things depend that what kind of user will use an app, for which location enterprises are planning to launch their app(s), what is available budget and how the monetization will take place via an app.

Suppose if any enterprise wants to launch an app for the US market. It will be beneficial if they go with the mobile development companies in San Francisco or New York to have an iPhone App because iOS user percentage is more than Android. And, if they want to launch their app for the Asian market or the rest of the world, then there is a considerable percentage of Android users. Still, if there is any confusion, it will be better to consult with some of the best mobile app development companies.


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