How to build a Ruby on Rails app on AWS for beginners - Part 2.

Now it is time to provision our database. We are going to go with Postgres.

There are 2 ways to do this on AWS, we can either install Postgres into our ec2 Linux host, or we can provision the database separately in AWS LightSail as a PaaS RDS database.

In this example we are just going to install Postgres locally on our LightSail ec2 instance.

This is a fairly simple process, first of lets install a recent version of Postgres.

sudo apt install postgresql-11 libpq-dev

Next up we we are going to setup our DB user.

sudo -u postgres createuser lee -s

# If you would like to set a password for the user, you can do the following

sudo -u postgres psql 
postgres=# \password lee

That's it for installing and setting up PostGres within an EC2 instances.

Let's give this a whirl by creating your first Rails App.

rails new mynewrailsapp -d postgresql
cd mynewrailsapp
rails db:create
rails server

Visit http://localhost:3000 to view your new rails app

That should be it, you can then go ahead and create some of your models and migrations and start building your dreams.