The Art of Self-Teaching from a Developer's Perspective
I grew up with low self esteem and afraid of asking questions to other people. But not until I've found out that I am passionate about programming and development.
My perspective on everything started to change, not in a bad way but rather, in a practical way.
I immediately realized that anything can be learned and everyone was once a beginner at something.

Realizing that finding resources to learn something is very easy nowadays, is the first step to master the art of self-teaching. This step is very simple, but what about the next?

After developing your curiosity, the next step is probably the hardest technique to cultivate and is where people struggle when approaching a new topic

I'm going to be technical for a bit
Last week, I've struggled with learning Ruby on Rails because I felt like it was not relevant anymore when it comes to building modern web apps. But I was wrong, I immediately saw its full potential after I integrate it with GraphQL and start building API services. After that, everything started to makes sense, the syntax, the patterns. Everything went smoothly.
So, when learning something new, try to look for "the connection". Remember, everything is connected. Sometimes you just have to wait for weeks, months, or even years to see it.
The last technique will be the missing puzzle piece to master self-teaching skill

But when you're self-teaching, it's all up to you. Without a proper study plan, you need to have a strong self-discipline and determination to learn something and be good at it. The problem with using self-discipline is, it's very hard to rely on it.
But don't worry, a study plan could be simple as, knowing your most productive time in a day and studying at that time. But of course, that's not enough if you really want to maximize your self-teaching capability.
- Create a course outline
- Identify and stick to your best schedule
- Remember to take a break
- Test your skills weekly or every after you study
Self-teaching or formal education, none of those matter. In the end, we all still have to teach ourselves. History already showed us a lot of successful self-taughts. With the power of internet, where all information are travelling around so fast. There's clearly no reason not to learn things you're interested at.