Fire-Side Chat with Kent C. Dodds – React Summit Remote Edition 2021 - YouTube
Fire-Side Chat with Kent C. Dodds – React Summit Remote Edition 2021 - YouTube:
Migrating to TypeScript, Pain points
- Start with loose TypeScript rules
- Iteratively and over time, rather than one giant PR
Should we use Next.js rather than create-react-app?
- Excited about Remix
- Next.js is pretty solid
Testing library
- Usually don't test lower level of components that doesn't have much logic
- More focus on integration test and e2e test
- Doesn't worth aiming for 100% testing coverage
- Code coverage < Use-case coverage
Career advise for beginners
- Be a nice person
- Communication
RTL(React testing library)
- RTL Everywhere
- Testing code is just an another code
Integration test in general
- rarely use snapshots as it contains many irrelevant information
- "I don't write tests, I write proofs"
Communication advise
- Sharing everything that I do
Functional Component vs Class Component
- 64%: 100% functional component
Linter on your test
- Yes, recommend that
- Writing in TypeScript as well
- I need to (want to) learn TypeScript
- I need to (want to) learn Testing