Weekly Check-In #3: Fourth Week
Hi again! This is my fourth weekly check-in of my GSoC β21 internship in the Python Software Foundation, a little bit late I know but it will be the last time. If it is the first time reading one of my posts about my internship, you could get more information by checking the previous posts of the series.
The last week was finished the second sprint, in the meeting with all team discuss all achievements that we got and we planned how it will the next sprint, before the GSoC's first evaluation. The first evaluation is going to be next week, so this week is important to review all lessons and quizzes for any problems that may be found.
As I said in my second blog post I was working on finishing the lessons, this time I only made 2 PRs, but keep in mind that quantity is not meaning quality, so is still valuable if you made 1, 2 or 100 PR's, all is contribution.
I was writing this post and I figured out that all the PR's were successfully merged, so with this I finished my first milestone of the internship, so it is great.

Now that I finished it with a week grace, as I said above I am going to review all the lessons and quizzes if I will found a problem I will make a PR to solve it in the meantime also I am going to reformulate my second milestone and the issues taking account the new Brython module created.
For luck I didn't, I hope to maintain a rhythm like this for the rest of my internship, so see you soon.