How to install python 3.9 on windows

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, hello everyone, on this occasion, we will learn together how to install python 3.9 on windows 10.

First, we visit, we will download python through this website, because the official python site. The initial appearance of is as follows:

Click downloads, it will be directed to the download page.

Select the python 3.9.6 download button, because it is the latest version of python.

Click double click, it will appear

make sure you check add python to path, this is useful so you can use python in cmd. While installing the launcher for all users is free, you want to check it or not, but my advice is to just tick it so that all users on the computer can use python. After that, click install now.
Wait until the installation process is complete

after python is successfully installed, we need to check whether python is successfully installed or not. Open cmd then type python command and enter.

Enough of this article, thank you so much.