Python abs()

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The abs() function in Python returns the absolute value of a given number, which means the abs() method removes the negative sign of a number.

If the given number is complex, then the abs() function will return its magnitude.

*abs() Syntax *

The syntax of abs() method is


abs() Parameters

The abs() function takes a single argument, a number whose absolute value is to be returned. The number can be

  • integer
  • floating-point number
  • complex number

abs() Return Value

abs() method returns an absolute value of a given number.

  • For integers – absolute integer value is returned
  • For floating numbers – absolute floating-point value is returned
  • For complex numbers – the magnitude of the number is returned

What does the abs() function do in Python?

The abs() function will turn any negative number into positive, the absolute value of a negative number is multiplied by (-1) and returns the positive number, and the absolute value of a positive number is the number itself.

Example 1: Get absolute value of a number in Python

In this example, we will pass an integer, float into the abs() function, and returns the absolute value.

# Python code to illustrate abs() built-in function

# integer number
integer = -10
print('Absolute value of -10 is:', abs(integer))

# positive integer number
positive_integer =20
print('Absolute value of 20 is:', abs(positive_integer))

# floating point number
floating = -33.33
print('Absolute value of -33.33 is:', abs(floating))


Absolute value of -10 is: 10
Absolute value of 20 is: 20
Absolute value of -33.33 is: 33.33
Absolute value of 3-4j is: 5.0

Example 2: Get the magnitude of a complex number

In this example, we will pass a complex number into the abs() function and returns the absolute value.

# Python code to illustrate abs() built-in function

# complex number
print('Absolute value of 3-4j is:', abs(complex))


Absolute value of 3-4j is: 5.0

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