Getting started with GraphQL in Python with FastAPI and Ariadne
FastAPI is a high-performance framework for building web APIs with Python. Its simple and intuitive nature makes it easy to quickly develop robust web APIs using very little boilerplate code. In this article, we’ll introduce FastAPI and how to set up a GraphQL server with it using Graphene & Ariadne.
From the official docs, building web applications with FastAPI reduce about 40 percent of developer-induced errors, and this is made possible through the use of Python 3.6 type declarations. With all its features, including the automatic generation of interactive API documentation, building web apps with Python has never been easier.
Before we get started, let’s confirm that we have Python 3.7+ installed by running the following command on our terminal:
python --version
Note: If you don’t have it installed, get it here.
Let’s go ahead and install these packages in our virtual environment:
We install uvicorn with the “standard” option since that brings optional extras like WebSocket support.
ASGI is an emerging standard for building asynchronous services in Python that support HTTP/2 and WebSocket. Web frameworks like Flask and Pyramid are examples of WSGI based frameworks and do not support ASGI. Django was for a long time a WSGI based framework but it has introduced ASGI support in version 3.1.
ASGI has two components:
- Protocol Server: Handles low level details of sockets, translating them to connections and relaying them to the application
- Application: A callable that is responsible for handling incoming requests. There are several ASGI frameworks that simplify building applications.
As an application developer, you might find that you will be mostly working at the application and framework levels.
Examples of ASGI servers include Uvicorn, Daphne and Hypercorn. Examples of ASGI frameworks include Starlette, Django channels, FastAPI and Quart.
Ariadne provides a GraphQL class that implements an ASGI application so we will not need an ASGI framework. We will use the uvicorn server to run our application.
Note: Understand the difference between ASGI and WSGI Blog by Raoof Naushad.
The asyncio library adds async support to Python. To declare a function as asynchronous, we add the keyword async before the function definition as follows:
async def hello_world():
return "Hello world"
- Using
, we would call our asynchronous function as follows:
obytes = await hello_world()
- Create a file called schema.graphql. We will use it to define our GraphQL schema.
Our schema will include five custom types, described below.
type User {
id: ID! // This is the id of the user
email: String! // This is the email of the user
password: String! // This is the password of the user
type blog {
id: ID! // This is the id of the blog
title: String! // This is the title of the blog
description: String! // This is the description of the blog
completed: Boolean! // This is the completed status of the blog
ownerId: ID! // This is the id of the owner of the blog
type blogResult {
errors: [String] // This is the list of errors
blog: blog // This is the blog
type blogsResult {
errors: [String]
blogs: [blog] // This is the list of blogs
type InsertResult {
errors: [String]
id: ID // This is the id of the inserted blog
type TokenResult {
errors: [String]
token: String // This is the token
- After Define the schema, lets add the Query, Mutation, Subscription and Type definitions.
schema {
query: Query // This is the query type
mutation: Mutation // This is the mutation type
subscription: Subscription // This is the subscription type
type Query {
blogs: blogsResult! // This is the list of blogs
blog(blogId: ID!): blogResult! // This is the blog
type Mutation {
createblog(title: String!, description: String!): InsertResult! // This is the blog
createUser(email: String!, password: String!): InsertResult! // This is the user
createToken(email: String!, password: String!): TokenResult! // This is the token
type Subscription {
reviewblog(token:String!): InsertResult! // This is the blog
Create a file called app.py
and add the code below:
from ariadne import QueryType, make_executable_schema, load_schema_from_path
from ariadne.asgi import GraphQL
type_defs = load_schema_from_path("schema.graphql")
query = QueryType()
def resolve_hello(*_):
return "Hello world!"
schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, query)
app = GraphQL(schema, debug=True)
We read the schema defined in the schema.graphql
file and added a simple query called hello that we will use to test that our server is running. Our server is now ready to accept requests.
- Start the server by running:
uvicorn app:app --reload
- Open the GraphQL PlayGround by visiting http://localhost:8000. Paste the hello query below and hit the “Play” button:
query {
Congratulations, your GraphQL server is running 🥳!
Once you confirm that the server is running fine, you can delete the resolve_hello
function from app.py
and delete the hello query in the type Query section of schema.graphql
Since this article discusses GraphQL operations with an emphasis on subscriptions, we will skip the database component entirely and store our data in memory. We will use two variables for this:
- users: A python dictionary where the keys are usernames and the values are the user details.
- blogs: A python list which will store all blogs
Create a file called store.py.
Initialize users, blogs & queues to an empty list.
users = {}
blog = []
queues = []

Let’s add resolvers for the mutations defined in the schema. These will live inside a file called mutations.py. Go ahead and create it.
First add the createUser
resolver to mutations.py.
from ariadne import ObjectType, convert_kwargs_to_snake_case
from store import users, blogs
mutation = ObjectType("Mutation")
async def resolve_create_user(obj, info, email, password):
if not users.get(username):
user = {
"id": len(users) + 1,
"email": email,
"password": password,
users[username] = user
return {
"success": True,
"user": user
return {
"success": False,
"errors": ["Username is taken"]
except Exception as error:
return {
"success": False,
"errors": [str(error)]
We import ObjectType
and convert_kwargs_to_snake_case
from the Ariadne package. ObjectType
is used to define the mutation resolver, and convert_kwargs_to_snake_case
recursively converts arguments case from camelCase
to snake_case
We also import users and blogs from store.py, since these are the variables we will use as storage for our users and blogs.
async def resolve_create_blog(obj, info, content, title, description, completed, ownerId):
blog = {
"ID": id,
"title": title,
"description": description
"completed": completed,
"ownerId": ownerId
return {
"success": True,
"blog": blog
except Exception as error:
return {
"success": False,
"errors": [str(error)]
In resolve_create_blog
, we create a dictionary that stores the attributes of the blog. We append it to the blogs list and return the created blog. If successful, we set success to True and return success and the created blog object. If there was an error, we set success to False and return success and the error blog.
We now have our two resolvers, so we can point Ariadne to them. Make the following changes to app.py:
At the top of the file, import the mutations:
from mutations import mutation
Then add mutation to the list of arguments passed to make_executable_schema
schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, query, mutation)

Now we are ready to implement the two queries of our API. Let’s start with the blogs query. Create a new file, queries.py and update it as follows:
- Create
# as you know here i use Database[PostgreSQL] to connect to the database
# Install psycopg2 & databases[postgresql] & asyncpg
async def get_blogs(
skip: Optional[int] = 0, limit: Optional[int] = 100
) -> Optional[Dict]:
query = blog.select(offset=skip, limit=limit)
result = await database.fetch_all(query=query)
return [dict(blog) for blog in result] if result else None
async def get_blog(blog_id: int) -> Optional[Dict]:
query = blog.select().where(blog.c.id == int(blog_id))
result = await database.fetch_one(query=query)
return dict(result) if result else None
- then we could use it in our schema:
from typing import Optional
from ariadne import QueryType, convert_kwargs_to_snake_case
from crud import get_blogs, get_blog # Create a file called crud.py and add the get_blogs function
from schemas.error import MyGraphQLError
async def resolve_blogs(obj, info, skip: Optional[int] = 0, limit: Optional[int] = 100):
blogs = await get_blogs(skip=skip, limit=limit)
return {"blogs": blogs}
async def resolve_blog(obj, info, blog_id):
blog = await get_blog(blog_id=blog_id)
if not blog:
raise MyGraphQLError(code=404, message=f"blog id {blog_id} not found")
return {"success": True, "blog": blog}
query = QueryType()
query.set_field("blogs", resolve_blogs)
query.set_field("blog", resolve_blog)

New blogs are now being added to subscription queues, but we do not have any queues yet. All that is remaining is implementing our GraphQL subscription to create a queue and add it to the queues list, read blogs from it and push the appropriate ones to the GraphQL client.
In Ariadne, we need to declare two functions for every subscription defined in the schema.
Create a new file, subscriptions.py and define our subscription source in it as follows:
from ariadne import SubscriptionType, convert_kwargs_to_snake_case
from graphql.type import GraphQLResolveInfo
subscription = SubscriptionType()
async def review_blog_resolver(review_blog, info: GraphQLResolveInfo, token: str):
return {"id": review_blog}
Note: create a dynamic Source Review for Blog, by using RabbitMQ.
Rabbit MQ is a messaging broker that allows you to publish and subscribe to messages.
# This is Example from My Project FastQL
async def review_blog_source(obj, info: GraphQLResolveInfo, token: str):
user = await security.get_current_user_by_auth_header(token)
if not user:
raise MyGraphQLError(code=401, message="User not authenticated")
while True:
blog_id = await rabbit.consumeblog()
if blog_id:
yield blog_id

All the hard work is done! Now comes the easy part; seeing the API in action. Open the GraphQL Playground by visiting http://localhost:8000.
Let’s begin by creating two users, user_one
and user_two
. Paste the following mutation and hit play.
mutation {
email:"[email protected]"
) {
user {
Once the first user is created, change the username in the mutation from user_one
to user_two
and hit play again to create the second user.
Now we have two users who can Blog. Our createBlog
mutation expects us to provide senderId
and recipientId
. If you looked at the responses from the createUser
mutations you already know what IDs were assigned to them, but let’s assume we only know the usernames, so we will use the userId
query to retrieve the IDs.
query {
// User One
email: "[email protected]"
password: "admin"
- Publish your blog to the second user by using the
mutation {
senderId: "1",
recipientId: "2",
title:"Blog number1"
description:"This is the first blog"
ownerId: "1"
) {
blog {
Congratulations for completing. We learnt about ASGI, how to add subscriptions to a GraphQL server built with Ariadne, and using asyncio.Queue
If you got any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments.
This was just a simple API to demonstrate how we can use subscriptions to add real time functionality to a GraphQL API. The API could be improved by adding a database, user authentication, allowing users to attach files in Blog, allowing users to delete Blog and adding user profiles.
If you are wondering how you can incorporate a database to an async API, here are two options:
- aiosqlite: A friendly, async interface to sqlite databases.
I can't wait to see what you build!

You could also get inspiration from this Project FastQL.
To be honest, this got quite long. If you are patient enough to read this full and find it interesting then please share it, and Follow me on twitter for the next articles.