Announcing Beanie ODM 1.8 - Relations, Cache, Actions and more!ππ
I'm happy to introduce to you the new version of Beanie and a lot of new features, that come with it.
Here is the feature list:
- Relations
- Event-based actions
- Cache
- Revision
This feature is perhaps the most anticipated of all. It took some time, but finally, it is here. Relations.
The document can contain links to other documents in their fields.
Only top-level fields are fully supported for now.
Direct link to the document:
from beanie import Document, Link
class Door(Document):
height: int = 2
width: int = 1
class House(Document):
name: str
door: Link[Door] # This is the link
List of the links:
from typing import List
from beanie import Document, Link
class Window(Document):
x: int = 10
y: int = 10
class House(Document):
name: str
door: Link[Door]
windows: List[Link[Window]] # This is the list of the links
Other link patterns are not supported for now. If you need something more specific for your use-case, please leave an issue on the GitHub page - https://github.com/roman-right/beanie
The next write methods support relations:
To apply the writing method to the linked documents, you should set the respective link_rule
house.windows = [Window(x=100, y=100)]
house.name = "NEW NAME"
# The next call will insert a new window object
# and replace the house instance with updated data
await house.save(link_rule=WriteRules.WRITE)
# `insert` and `replace` methods will work the same way
Or Beanie can ignore internal links with the link_rule
parameter WriteRules.DO_NOTHING
house.door.height = 3
house.name = "NEW NAME"
# The next call will just replace the house instance
# with new data, but the linked door object will not be synced
await house.replace(link_rule=WriteRules.DO_NOTHING)
# `insert` and `save` methods will work the same way
You can fetch linked documents on the find query step, using the parameter fetch_links
houses = await House.find(
House.name == "test",
All the find methods supported:
- find
- find_one
- get
Beanie uses a single aggregation query under the hood to fetch all the linked documents. This operation is very effective.
If you don't use prefetching, linked documents will be presented as objects of the Link
class. You can fetch them manually then.
To fetch all the linked documents you can use the fetch_all_links
await house.fetch_all_links()
It will fetch all the linked documents and replace Link
objects with them.
Or you can fetch a single field:
await house.fetch_link(House.door)
This will fetch the Door object and put it in the door
field of the house
Delete method works the same way as write operations, but it uses other rules:
To delete all the links on the document deletion you should use the DeleteRules.DELETE_LINKS
value for the link_rule
await house.delete(link_rule=DeleteRules.DELETE_LINKS)
To keep linked documents you can use the DO_NOTHING
await house.delete(link_rule=DeleteRules.DO_NOTHING)
You can register methods as pre- or post- actions for document events like insert
, replace
and etc.
Currently supported events:
- Insert
- Replace
- SaveChanges
- ValidateOnSave
To register an action you can use @before_event
and @after_event
decorators respectively.
from beanie import Insert, Replace
class Sample(Document):
num: int
name: str
def capitalize_name(self):
self.name = self.name.capitalize()
def num_change(self):
self.num -= 1
It is possible to register action for a list of events:
from beanie import Insert, Replace
class Sample(Document):
num: int
name: str
@before_event([Insert, Replace])
def capitalize_name(self):
self.name = self.name.capitalize()
This will capitalize the name
field value before each document insert and replace
And sync and async methods could work as actions.
from beanie import Insert, Replace
class Sample(Document):
num: int
name: str
@after_event([Insert, Replace])
async def send_callback(self):
await client.send(self.id)
All the query results could be locally cached.
This feature must be turned on in the Settings
inner class explicitly.
class Sample(Document):
num: int
name: str
class Settings:
use_cache = True
Beanie uses LRU cache with expiration time. You can set capacity
(the maximum number of the cached queries) and expiration time in the Settings
inner class.
class Sample(Document):
num: int
name: str
class Settings:
use_cache = True
cache_expiration_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)
cache_capacity = 5
Any query will be cached for this document class.
# on the first call it will go to the database
samples = await Sample.find(num>10).to_list()
# on the second - it will use cache instead
samples = await Sample.find(num>10).to_list()
await asyncio.sleep(15)
# if the expiration time was reached
# it will go to the database again
samples = await Sample.find(num>10).to_list()
This feature helps with concurrent operations.
It stores revision_id
together with the document and changes it on each document update. If the application with the old local copy of the document will try to change it, an exception will be raised. Only when the local copy will be synced with the database, the application will be allowed to change the data. It helps to avoid losses of data.
This feature must be turned on in the Settings
inner class explicitly too.
class Sample(Document):
num: int
name: str
class Settings:
use_revision = True
Any changing operation will check if the local copy of the document has the actual revision_id
s = await Sample.find_one(Sample.name="TestName")
s.num = 10
# If a concurrent process already changed the doc,
# the next operation will raise an error
await s.replace()
If you want to ignore revision and apply all the changes even if the local copy is outdated, you can use the parameter ignore_revision
await s.replace(ignore_revision=True)
There is a bunch of smaller features, presented in this release. I would like to mention a couple of them here.
Beanie can keep the document state, that synced with the database, to find local changes and save only them.
This feature must be turned on in the Settings
inner class explicitly.
class Sample(Document):
num: int
name: str
class Settings:
use_state_management = True
To save only changed values the save_changes()
method should be used.
s = await Sample.find_one(Sample.name == "Test")
s.num = 100
await s.save_changes()
The save_changes()
method can be used only with already inserted documents.
Pydantic has very useful config to validate values on assignment - validate_assignment = True
. But unfortunately, this is a heavy operation and doesn't fit some use cases.
You can validate all the values before saving the document (insert, replace, save, save_changes) with beanie config validate_on_save
This feature must be turned on in the Settings
inner class explicitly.
class Sample(Document):
num: int
name: str
class Settings:
validate_on_save = True
If any field has a wrong value, it will raise an error on write operations (insert, replace, save, save_changes)
sample = await Sample.find_one(Sample.name == "Test")
sample.num = "wrong value type"
# Next call will raise an error
await sample.replace()
Thank you for reading. I hope you'll find these features useful.
If you would like to help with development - there are some issues at the GitHub page of the project - https://github.com/roman-right/beanie