Python GUI Tutorial - Tkinter Programming
Similarly other programming languages Python also provided different ways of GUI development methods
What is Tkinter
Tkinter is an standard python GUI kit provided in the python library. Tkinter provides fast and powerful object-oriented interface to the Tk GUI toolkit

Tkinter is one of the most popular methods for creating a graphical user interface in Python. Python Tkinter is the official Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit, and it is the most efficient and easy way to create GUI programs.
Python is simple to create; follow the steps below:
Step 1: First and foremost, import the Tkinter module.
include tkinter
Step 2: Create the primary window.
m=tkinter.Tk(), where m is the main window object's name.
Step 3: Add the number of widgets to the main window. You may now add various widgets to your main window from this screen. Widgets include buttons, checkbutton, entry frame, label, Listbox, menubutton, menu, message, radiobutton, scale, scrollbar, and so forth.
Step 4: Add the widgets with the event triggers
Let's check different types of Tkinter components with example codes