How To Make A Sub And Sub Sub Categories In Django [Most Important]
Hello Devs, in this category I'm gonna teach you how to make categories, sub categories and sub sub categories in django in simple steps.
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Django Categories
Django Sub Categories
Django Sub sub categories
Make a model for Django categories.
class Category(models.Model):
parent = models.ForeignKey('self', related_name='children', on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank =
True, null=True)
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
slug = AutoSlugField(populate_from='title', unique=True, null=False, editable=False)
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
def __str__(self):
return self.title
class Meta:
#enforcing that there can not be two categories under a parent with same slug
# __str__ method elaborated later in post. use __unicode__ in place of
unique_together = ('slug', 'parent',)
verbose_name_plural = "categories"
def __str__(self):
full_path = [self.title]
k = self.parent
while k is not None:
k = k.parent
return ' -> '.join(full_path[::-1])
Write code in Views.py
def home(request):
catg = Category.objects.filter(parent=None)
context = {'catg':catg}
return render(request, 'index.html', context)
Now render everything in your templates
Make an index.html file
And start fetching the details in the HTML file.
Thank you
Shivam Rohilla | Python Developer