5 BEST node.js frameworks

It takes experience to select the fitting framework for a particular task. Read this article to the end to learn about the six best Node.JS frameworks we prefer using on our projects. As a software development company, we share our tips and industry insights.


Node.js is an open - source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime that manages JavaScript code outside the browser.
Mostly JavaScript is used to create client-side scripts are embedded in the HTML of a website page and run by the JavaScript engine in the browser. With Node.js, developers can use JavaScript to get command-line tools. On the server-side, it runs the necessary scripts to process the dynamic content of the web page before it is available in the user's browser. Thus, Node.js embodies the concept of “JavaScript everywhere,” allowing you to develop web applications in the same language for both server-side and client-side scripting.

Features such as better performance, functionality, high speed, and scalability make Node.js the number one choice for developing enterprise-grade applications for large companies.

Developing in Node.js, you can use the same language for both the frontend and backend. This will save you the trouble of learning and applying new languages.


We consider the following criteria:

  • Scalability. The framework shouldn't limit us in possible ways of executing the project.
  • Ecosystem. A framework with an actively contributing community and educational materials
  • Functionality. This point is subjective for each project.

We appreciate such functionality as support of declared programming, middleware support to optimize the app functionality, cluster management, and batch support.

To make a list of the best Node.js, we analyzed their functionality, advantages, and use cases.


Express.JS is the most popular one. It makes it much easier to reuse code to process data in web applications, store user sessions, manage cookie files, and handle payloads. If you’re not using Express.Js, Node.js requires you to rewrite many processes from the ground.

Express is well known to evolve, unlike other frameworks that rely heavily on Rails and borrows a lot from another Ruby framework called Sinatra. The concept is simple: the framework provides enough capabilities to launch and work without requiring a lot of preparation time.
This is why Express is a clear favorite for dynamic content. It has a fast response to users’ requests, uploads text, photos, videos, and other content to the page.

Sites built with Express.js:

  • Uber;
  • Twitter;
  • BlaBlaCar.

Advantages of Express.js:

  • Open-sourced, has a vast and vital community;
  • Easy to learn;
  • A developer can install helpful tools for speed, response, and performance improvement;
  • Ability to define with URLs and HTTP protocol;
  • Supports multiple template engines;
  • Allows creating both static and dynamic content;
  • Integration with SQL and NoSQL databases.


Meteor is an open-source MVC framework that allows you to create real-time Web applications. One of the platform’s essential features is using the same code on both the server and client sides. It is data that is usually transferred between the server and the client, but not HTML code. The framework supports OS X, Windows, and Linux. Its reactive programming model allows you to build applications with less JavaScript.

Sites built with Meteor.js:

  • Mazda;
  • Accenture;
  • Deloitte;
  • Brainhub.

Advantages of Meteor.js:

  • Suitable for MVP development and prototype;
  • Smart packages: you may use a single command to connect multiple features;
  • You don’t need huge blocks of code: it’s simple and elegant.


The Express.js development team has created another framework called Koa.js: a futuristic next-generation Node.js framework that promises to be more concise and colorful than Express.js.

Koa.js focuses on building web applications and APIs. Its main advantage is generators, which are a great way to avoid callbacks and help developers fix bugs.

Sites built with Koa.js:

  • Brainhub;
  • Bulb;
  • GAPO.

Advantages of Koa.js:

  • A lightweight approach to development;
  • Easy error handling using try/catch command;
  • There’s no built middleware, so nothing makes the application havier or slows down;
  • Rich Express ecosystem supports Koa and provides a lot of its translated packages and libraries;
  • Koa allows simply writing functions instead of spamming middleware.


Nest. JS architecture was inspired by Angular. This is the framework created to make life easier for the developer, using the right architectural approaches and dictating its own rules.
Therefore, NestJS is not only a backend framework but also an opportunity to enter the world of advanced concepts such as DDD, Event sourcing, and microservice architecture. Everything is packaged in a lightweight and straightforward form, so the choice is yours - whether you decide to use the entire platform or just use its components.

Sites built with NEST.JS:

  • Adidas;
  • Autodesk;
  • Neoteric.

Advantages of Nest.js:

  • Angular style syntax for the backend
  • NodeJS ecosystem;
  • Integration with Express;
  • Fast development;
  • You would quickly switch to Nest if you used Angular or Express before.


We consider Hapi a security focus Node.JS framework. Code quality and verification are prioritized over extensive functionality.

Unlike Express and Restify, it has a slightly different approach, providing more functionality out of the box. The cons include full control over requests getting and detailed help with generating documentation.

Sites built on Hapi.Js:

  • BrainHub;
  • Gozova;
  • Boodle.

Advantages of Hapi.js:

  • Powerful input validation;
  • Functionality;
  • Caching Implementation;
  • Improved error handling system;
  • Suitable for microservice development;
  • Flexible RSS memory.

Although Node.js frameworks are not necessary for the back-end in terms of functionality, they make a big difference in development, product performance, and code quality.

Accessing predefined models, libraries, and middleware enables developers to save time writing the same code, passing through thousands of callbacks, and struggling with front-end frameworks to implement Node.js.
Our developers use all the frameworks above and can’t say which one is better. Some frameworks are ideally adapted for managing dynamic content, while others are best suited for creating MVP. Also, we always base our decision on the product’s requirements and features when a Node.js project comes along. It’s very important to pay attention to business needs.