Stop using Dotenv in your front-end

The problem I have with it is that it is common to see people using it in the front-end of their web application (served static files, non-SSR applications).

What is wrong with this?

Your environment becomes hard-coded in your files at build time. If you proceed this way, you need to build your application every time you wish to deploy it.


Load your configuration at runtime. This way, your CI and your CD become 2 independent components. You build only once as opposed to once per deployment. Furthermore, the same artifact is being deployed everywhere, saving you a couple build minutes, and increasing your confidence in what you are deploying.

Implementation example

In your index.html file, add a setting file that contains your environment variables:

<script src="./settings/settings.js"></script>
// must be placed before your js files

File content example:

var environment = {
  "backendBaseUrl": "http://localhost:8000",

Using Typescript? Type it:

type Environment = {
  backendBaseUrl: string

declare global {
  const environment: Environment

Then use it:

const url = `${environment.backendBaseUrl}/potato`

Your deployment pipeline simply needs to ensure this file is being generated/deployed, which is way faster than building your whole codebase.