The 3 most common DOM selectors

Hello, on this amazing day, we'll discuss the 3 most common Javascript selectors.


getElementById is used to return an element using his id. If there is no element with the giving id, it returns null.

<h1 id="logo">Aya Bouchiha</h1>
    const logo = document.getElememntById('logo');
    const img  = document.getElementById('img'); // null


querySelector is used to return the first element that matches the giving CSS selector.

<input type="search" placeholder="search" />
const searchInput = document.querySelector("[type='search']");


querySelectorAll is used to return all elements (as a NodeList object) that matche the giving css selector.

<button onclick="changeColor()">To Blue</button>
const changeColor = () => {
  document.querySelectorAll("div").forEach(div =>"blue")


  • getElementById: for selecting an element using his Id
  • querySelector: for getting the first element that matches the giving css selector
  • querySelectorAll: for returning as a NodeList object All elements that matche the giving css selector.

Happy codding!