Getting Started with JavaScript - Ultimate Free Resources
In recent times few friends reached out to me, asking for links to resources that can help them kickstart into learning JavaScript/ES6. I have curated a list of links which are completely free that will help anyone in their journey towards learning JavaScript.
MDN (Mozilla) JavaScript Reference is the main documentation with examples and other information. It’s great to get in-depth information about individual language functions, methods etc.
One can find it at MDN JavaScript Docs.
Since JavaScript is a developing language, new features get added regularly and some of them might not be supported by all browsers or engines. The below sites help you in identifying which features are supported by what browser/engine or version of a browser etc.
http://caniuse.com – per-feature tables of support, e.g. to see which engines support modern cryptography functions: http://caniuse.com/#feat=cryptography.
https://kangax.github.io/compat-table – a table with language features and engines that support those or don’t support.
Some of my favorite IDE's I use for development I have listed below
- 30 Day Vanilla JS Coding Challenge
- Learn Javascript by building 7 games
- 24days of christmas
- Learn JavaScript
- JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- Freecodecamp.org - You can search for javaScript courses and pick the ones which are more suitable for you
- Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Smarter Way to learn JavaScript
- 30 Days of JavaScript
- Learn JavaScript Online
- learn-js.org interactive JavaScript tutorial.
One of the ways to learn any kinda programming language in a fun way is to take coding challenges. I love those challenges, I have listed the sites below, some are specific to javascript, while others such as hackerrank, leet code etc let you solve the challenges in the programming language of your choice such as JavaScript or Python or C or C++.
Coding grounds are online coding environment, which are readily available for developers to practice any new programming language they want to learn without having to worry about the environment set up in their local machines.
Below are the couple of my favorite coding grounds which i use on a day-to-day basis when creating small code snippets for a functionality. They have been really useful when testing small sections/snippets, some of them also let you save these snippets so that you can refer them in the future as well.
I hope this is useful for anyone who is getting started with Javascript.
Let me know whats your favorite resource among the list in the comments below.
These are some of the resources I used when I initially started with JavaScript and would recommend to anyone who is starting to learn JavaScript, some of the coding challenges are something which I always have fun doing. I will update this post as and when I find new resources. Let me know in the comments below if you think there are other resources which should be added to this list as well.
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