LaTeX & Maths: Equation Environment and Labeling Equations
Hello, how are you? :)
In this post we talk about Why the equation environment is important, how you can label your equations and how you can call these equations. Let's start!!!
In this post I gave you a brief introduction to the equation
environment, at the end of that post we compare the equation environment with the displayed formulas, but what is the difference between these environments
In the equation environment you can Label your equations and refer to these later. Do you remember that here I talked about the Cross-Referencing mode.
The convention to label an equation is
\label{E: my Formula}
So, if you want to label your equation, the label
must be inside the equation
\label{E: first}
In this post I talked about how to reference elements which were labeled. Let's remember a little and introduce a new way to do this
Let's assume we labeled our element as \label{E: first}
you can use \ref{}
but for equations is more useful \eqref{}


Did you notice? \eqref
adds a pair of parentheses
Ok ok, but what if we want to give to our equation a name instead of a number? Can I do that? The answer is YES but that is topic for the next post
Thank you :) Do not forget to follow me on Twitter @latexteada