Streamlit Custom Components + Vite + Vanilla JS

Create Component Based On vanilla JS

  • From the template folder
  • Create new component using vite and add code for testing the component
$ mkdir vite_vanilla_component
$ cd vite_vanilla_component
$ npm init vite@latest frontend --template vanilla # npm v6 (v7 is different)
$ touch # command may be different in Windows
  • Add in the code below
import os
import streamlit.components.v1 as components

_RELEASE = False

if not _RELEASE:
  _component_func = components.declare_component(
    url="http://localhost:3000", # vite dev server port
  parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
  build_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "frontend/dist")
  _component_func = components.declare_component("vite_vanilla_component", path=build_dir)

def my_component(name, key=None):
  component_value = _component_func(name=name, key=key, default=0)
  return component_value

if not _RELEASE:
  import streamlit as st
  st.subheader("Component Test")
  num_clicks = my_component(name = "NameViteVanilla")
  st.markdown("You've clicked %s times!" % int(num_clicks))
  • install the frontend node libraries, streamlit-component-lib, create vite.config.js
$ cd frontend
$ npm i
$ npm i streamlit-component-lib
$ touch vite.config.js
  • vite.config.js should look like below
export default {
  base: './'
  • replace the content of main.js with the following (based on the reactless-template of the original component-template repo)
import { Streamlit } from "streamlit-component-lib"

const span = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("span"))
const textNode = span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""))
const button = span.appendChild(document.createElement("button"))
button.textContent = "Click Me!"

let numClicks = 0
let isFocused = false
button.onclick = function() {
  numClicks += 1

button.onfocus = function() { isFocused = true }
button.onblur = function() { isFocused = false }

function onRender(event) {
  const data = event.detail
  if (data.theme) {
    const borderStyling = `1px solid var(${
      isFocused ? "--primary-color" : "gray"
    })` = borderStyling = borderStyling
  button.disabled = data.disabled
  let name = data.args["name"]
  textNode.textContent = `Hello, ${name}! ` + String.fromCharCode(160)
}, onRender)

Running the example

From the base directory, navigate to the frontend and serve it from a dev server:

$ cd template/vite_vanilla_component/frontend
$ npm run dev

On a separate terminal, from base directory, navigate to and run the Streamlit app (assuming python environment has been activated):

$ cd template
$ streamlit run vite_vanilla_component/

You should see the image below, and clicking the button should increment the count.

The component looks truncated. To fix this, set body style in the component to have margin: 0;.