Python challenge_11
- Here's the backstory for this challenge:
- imagine you're writing a tic-tac-toe game, where the board looks like this:
1: X | O | X
2: | |
3: O | |
The board is represented as a 2D list:
board = [
["X", "O", "X"],
[" ", " ", " "],
["O", " ", " "],
- Imagine if your user enters "C1" and you need to see if there's an X or O in that cell on the board.
- To do so, you need to translate from the string "C1" to row 0 and column 2
so that you can check board[row][column].
Your task is to write a function that can translate from strings of length 2 to a tuple (row, column).
Name your function get_row_col.
it should take a single parameter which is a string of length 2 consisting of an uppercase letter and a digit.
For example:
- Calling get_row_col("A3") should return the tuple (2, 0).
- Because A3 corresponds to the row at index 2 and column at index 0 in the board.
- First, use indexing to extract the number and letter.
- Use int() to cast the number from a string to an int.
- You can use a dictionary to translate the letter into a number.
- Return the result as a tuple: (row, column).
board = [
["X", "O", "X"], # 1
[" ", " ", " "], # 2
["O", " ", " "], # 3
] # A B C
def get_row_col(tic_tac):
tic = tic_tac.upper()
col = tic[0]
row = int(tic[1]) - 1
board_keys = {"A": 0, "B": 1, "C": 2}
for key in board_keys:
if key == col:
column = board_keys[key]
return (row, column)
def get_row_col(choice):
translate = {"A": 0, "B": 1, "C": 2}
letter = choice[0]
number = choice[1]
row = int(number) - 1
column = translate[letter]
return (row, column)