Stop pushing your React API Key on GitHub šŸ˜Ŗ

Have you ever create an application with React, in this application you use external APIā€™s and you pushed these API keys on GitHub ?

Oh no bad practice now everybody can use your API key.

We will see how we can avoid this and hide your APIā€™s keys on Github, you need .env file.

How to setup .env file inside React app ?

You donā€™t need to install env package, this feature is available with [email protected] and higher.

  • Make a file called .env in your project root

  • Inside the env file, add your variables and API keys value like this :

REACT_APP_GITHUB_API_KEY=Hello world 12345

You should prefix all your variables name by REACT_APP if not it will be ignored

  • Now you need to restart your React server with npm start to access these variables

  • Inside your React application, you can now access these variables in using this syntax :


Now you have zero excuse to push your API key in your React application.