Operations in Dart
Today, we'll be taking a look at operators in the Dart language. A lot of the operators are things you'd expect from your Algebra class.
// addition
print(1 + 2); // will return 3
// subtraction
print(2 - 1); // will return 1
// multiplication
print(2 * 2); // will return 4
// double division
print(5 / 2); // will return 2.5;
// integer division
print(5 ~/ 2); // will return 2;
// modulus
print(5 %2 ); // will return 1;
- The difference between integer and double division is just the type of the return value.
- Negative values are supported in these operators.
- The output is entirely dependent on the operator so even if you did 5.0~/2.0, it would still return 2.
- Modulus is the remainder from the division operation.
- If you want a shorthand way to increase or decrease a value, you can use the ++ or -- operators.
- There are two version of these as well, known as postfix / prefix.
- Prefix: The value is incremented first, then returned.
- Postfix: The value is returned, then incremented.
- Let's take a look at an example to better understand this.
void main() {
var a = 0;
// what do you think the output will be?
int increaseNum(int num) {
return num++;
- The output will be 0, because the function returns the number (which was 0) and then gets increased, but that doesn't matter for this example.
- However, this example will produce the number we may have wanted.
void main() {
var a = 0;
// will print 1
int increaseNum(int num) {
return ++num;
- There is another way to do a shorthand increment and assignment with += operator.
void main() {
var a = 0;
int increaseNum(int num) {
return num += 1;
- This will behave like a prefix increment.
- In addition to that, you would have benefit of being able to increase by any amount, unlike the ++ operator which limits you to only increase of 1 (or decrease of 1 with --).
// basic assignment operator
var a = 1;
// will print 2
var a = 1;
print(a += 1);
// will print 0
var a = 1;
print(a -= 1);
// will print 1
var a = 1;
print(a *= 1);
// this actually won't compile because we can't assign a double to an int
var a = 1;
print(a /= 1);
// will print 1
var a = 1;
print(a ~/= 1);
- You might be wondering what exactly an assignment operator is. It is essentially just something that sets the value of what we have on the left side of the = to the value on the right side.
// true
print(0 < 1);
// false
print(0 > 1);
// true
print(0 <= 1);
// false
print(0 >= 1);
// true
print(1 == 1);
// true
print(0 != 1);
- Relational operators evaluate two values on either side of it's operand and return either true or false depending on which it is.
There's 3 logical operators:
- !
- This operator toggles the value to the opposite boolean value of what it currently is set to.
- &&
- This operator evaluates an expression on both sides and returns true if both sides are true, other wise returns false.
- ||
- This operator evaluates an expression on both sides and returns true if one side is true.
- !
There are "truth tables" you can look up to get a better understanding of these logical operators. Here's an example of one:
That's about it for operators in Dart. Up next is how to break up flow of logic in your programs utilizing Dart!
If you have any question, leave a comment or reach out to me directly and I'll do my best to help you and / or revise my post for better clarity.