Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
Hello, this is #day_29, I'm going to talk about Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
dijkstra's shortest path is an algorithm created by Dr. Edsger Dijkstra for calculating the shortest path between vertices in a weighted graph (types of graph)
- Road networks
- Electricity lines
- Google maps
- Social networking apps
- Flighting agenda
- Ip routing more details
def dijkstraShortestPathAlgo(nodes, edges, source_indedx = 0):
code from
=> [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnTlW572Sc4]
path_lengths = {v:float('inf') for v in nodes}
path_lengths[source_index] = 0
adjacent_nodes = {v:{} for v in nodes}
for (u, v), w_uv in edges.items():
adjacent_nodes[u][v] = w_uv
adjacent_nodes[v][u] = w_uv
temporary_nodes = [v for v in nodes]
while len(temporary_nodes) > 0:
upper_bounds = {v: path_lengths[v] for v in temporary_nodes}
u = min(upper_bounds, key=upper_bounds.get)
for v, w_uv in adjacent_nodes[u].items():
path_lengths[v] = min(path_lengths[v], path_lengths[u] + w_uv)
return path_lengths
Happy coding!!