Tips to get Visibility + Feedback to your GitHub project

Plug: I help develop million: <1kb virtual DOM - it's fast!


If applicable, post your project on Hacker News with Show HN: in your title, EchoJS, r/opensource, r/javascript, r/sideproject, and ProductHunt.

If you have a following, post to those platforms (i.e. Twitter).

If you have access to communities, post to those communities in sanctioned areas (i.e. Discord, Slack, Telegram)

If you have extra time, post articles related to your project on blogging websites (i.e. with #showdev, Hackernoon, Hashnode)


You probably stumbled upon this article because you're interested in promoting your project you've been working on. That's great! In this guide you'll learn how to validate your work through gathering an audience, attracting new contributors and stars.

Right off the bat, you should have a reasonably intriguing and useful project. Make sure that your projects are presentable with a clear README, description, and logo. Take for example some projects I've done:

  • Million.js - đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ <1kb virtual DOM - it's fast!
  • Lucia.js - đŸ™‹â€â™€ïž 3kb library for tiny web apps

Since my projects are generally JavaScript/TypeScript/Web related, many of the resources provided will be targeted towards those communities, so use as you see fit.


Hacker News

Hacker News is probably one of the best way to reach other developers, but hundreds of posts are put on it each day. To ensure you get some exposure, prefix your post title with Show HN: to be listed under the show category. Additionally, include an intriguing and easily understandable title to increase your click through rate.

Examples: is probably one of the most effective ways to get developers to intract with your work. One option is to directly introduce your project. If you do, ensure you add the #showdev tag as well as 3 additional tags related to your project.

The other way of increasing interactions is to write articles related to your project that developers could be interested in. This hooks developers into reading your article, extracting value, while becoming aware of your project. Ensure that you include call to actions at the start and end of your article.



Open source communities like r/opensource, r/javascript, r/sideproject are very effective ways to promote your projects if you have a substantial amount (1k+) of Reddit karma. These communities generally discourage advertising, so if you have a new account, try posting to smaller communities to start off instead.



ProductHunt is a great way to pitch your product to "maker-focused communities." This is pretty straightforward, I highly recommend you suppliment using this to advertise to other platforms as well.



You can use Twitter, EchoJS, and Discord/Slack/Telegram to help suppliment the other platforms.


  • Github Insights (Under Traffic Tab)
  • Stars/Contributions to GitHub repo
  • Dashboard stats

Side Effects

GitHub Trending

This is generally the ultimate result of the promotion on other platforms - to float your project to get on trending. This encourages developers on Github who might work on similar projects to see your project. This type of visibility is the most valuable.


Another way to float your project to gain a "second wind" is to get publications to feature your project. This sort of method is best paired with GitHub trending.

Have any suggestions? Send them in the comment section.