cout << “Hello world”;

Hello human 🚀
I am Albina, a 17 year old tech freak. Continue reading to know more about my space mission in the Programming Galaxy. sips coffee
A little bit of storytelling && who I am 🤓
Technology has always sounded interesting to me, ever since I was in primary school. The first time I wrote code was when I was 12, when learning the HTML programming language and some CSS. Now I’m quite advanced and aspiring to work as a CSS Engineer at Google. Later on, I learnt some JavaScript as well. I also started posting on Instagram, talking about my journey and different websites I was doing.
Spoiler alert: On a scale from 1 to 10, my creativity in visualizing things is: Error 404, creativity not found. Perhaps frontend web development wasn’t the rocket’s destination…
I got into Competitive Programming and C++ when I started participating in Informatics Olympiads, I ranked first in the National one in 2020 (I know, just flexing) and that boosted my motivation. During the pandemic, when everything went into online mode, I took advantage of that and joined countless hackathons, competitions and workshops. I think the most challenging one was the “Taleas Software Engineering” training where I did some projects using MERN Stack and AWS (Lambda, S3, CloudFront, Cognito etc,.) I didn’t have the best relationship with the Amazon Web Services documentation at first, but I loved doing backend!

Now it’s 2021, the year I spend 8–10 hours a day on my laptop. It’s not a lot, I registered in an online piscine and after successfully passing it (better said after coding 14–16 hours everyday for 1 month), I got accepted into a university (42Heilbronn) and yes, as a 2nd year high school student. 1 week after that I got my first (part time) job as full stack developer.
Now I am mainly working, practicing my skills, preparing for Balkan’s Olympiad in Informatics and from now on, posting on my blog. I will be consistent!
Sure, I spend most of my time coding and studying for school, but hey I am not a total nerd! I try to be active on social media, I workout a lot && eat healthy and I love reading books. Before you ask, yes, sleep is a treasure I barely posses… tears fall down the cheeks while sipping more coffee

Right now I am focused on:
- My job which I really love and I’m glad to make some money at this age.
- Competitive programming and IoT development using C++
- Machine Learning in Python using Amazon Web Services (a training I will start later this month, meanwhile I am practicing some Python)
I will try share all my space adventures, my journey, interesting things that I learn along the way and maybe even dive deeper into certain topics. I am looking forward to sharing with you some memes, and since we’re here, valuable information as well.
To wrap it up, that’s me. A young tech and science obsessed girl trying to continuously become a better version of myself, balance everything out and do what I love and enjoy doing.
See you next time and don’t forget to bring some ☕ with you.
sips last sip of coffee