Checking out Windows 11 (LEAKED)

Yesterday march 24th marked the start of a new era for Microsoft's Windows Operating system when they announced the latest version called Windows 11 which should've been called windows 10.5 in my opinion but there are many changes in this new version, some of which I like and some that nobody likes. Which we are going to discuss in this post.

I have tested Windows 11 in a Virtual machine using 6 gigs of ram and 150 gigs of storage using the leaked ISO that is available on the internet and didn't install it on bare-metal hardware so your mileage may vary.

The new Start-menu

Copy-Pasting "Features"


Window snapping is a very old feature available in Linux distro's for as long as I know, Most Linux users generally prefer Tilling windows managers because of the keyboard-driven workflow. This feature is also available in Windows 10 using the fancy-zones power-toy but in windows 11 they made it as a built-in feature and IT WORKS PERFECTLY.Period. I mean it's very well refined and intelligent(You'll understand when you use it) which makes my workflow a whole lot easier and productive. It's one of the smaller changes that have a bigger affect while multitasking.


Okay so as how well it performs in a Virtual machine, It didn't feel like I was using a Virtual machine and I mean it when I say the performance is great. All of the under the hood improvements finally worked and it runs amazingly fast and responsive even the animations are great. Microsoft really did a great job in improving the performance of this version.

Final Verdict

I'm waiting to test the release version which will have all the bells and whistles that Microsoft talked about in the event because this version is a very early developer build and many more features will be added to the release version.
Until then I'm sticking with Linux Mint on my main machine with a Windows 10 Virtual machine. My only concern is that telemetry will increase as even the start menu is cloud powered now and the 64 gigs that it will take to install.