TypeScript / JavaScript - Check if 2 arrays of primitives contain the same values

More JavaScript / Typescript tricks


How to check if an array of primitives contains the exact same values (in any order) in JavaScript (and TypeScript).

This works for primitives and object references but not the values of an object. (look up primitives in JavaScript)

This can be achieved by checking if all items of Array 1 are in Array 2 and if all items of Array 2 are in Array 1


// array 2 contains every value of Array 1
const array2containsAll = array1.every(value => array2.includes(value));

// array 1 contains every value of Array 2
const array1containsAll = array2.every(value => array1.includes(value));

// if both are true then both arrays contain the same items
if(array1containsAll === true && array2containsAll === true){
  // arrays match
} else {
  // arrays don't match

As a JavaScript function

arraysMatch(array1, array2) {
  return (
    array1.every(value => array2.includes(value)) 
    && array2.every(value => array1.includes(value))

As a TypeScript function

(TypeScript is for cool kids btw)
TypeScript doesn't have a specific type for primitives so swap out string below for whatever type you require, or any if you don't care too much about type safety.

arraysMatch(array1: Array<string>, array2: Array<string>): boolean {
  return (
    array1.every(value => array2.includes(value)) 
    && array2.every(value => array1.includes(value))

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