Add reactivity to an existing source using GraphQL Mesh
This article was published on 2020-12-15 by Jean-Yves Couët @ The Guild Blog
Working on the code generator for svelte plugin, I was looking for a public graphQL endpoint having queries, mutations and subscriptions for nice examples.
Unfortunatly I didn't find anything out of the box, ready to use for my demos. So I decided to extend an existing source!
Across my researches I found one cool public endpoint regarding SpaceX. It has Queries
and Mutations
ready to use!
So I decided to pimp this endpoint, and bring a bit of reactivity with subscriptions.
The idea is to publish the new user when it's inserted with this mutation
mutation addUser {
insert_users(objects: { name: "jyc" }) {
returning {
How hard is to do this? Let's find out...
Let's Pimp this graphQL!
Multiple ways are possible!
Spoiler alert
Thanks to graphql-mesh
, it's dead easy! 🚀🚀🚀
- Create a new repo
mkdir newRepo
cd newRepo
yarn init
- Add
yarn add @graphql-mesh/cli @graphql-mesh/graphql @graphql-mesh/transform-resolvers-composition graphql
- Add
file in the root folder with
- name: spacexGQL
endpoint: https://api.spacex.land/graphql/
additionalTypeDefs: |
extend type Subscription {
usersAdded: [users]
- resolversComposition:
- resolver: 'Mutation.insert_users'
composer: ./src/composition/insert_user
- type: Subscription
field: usersAdded
pubsubTopic: usersAdded
Where I
- declare the graphQL source
- extend
to listen to user added users - compose the existing
- Add
file with all the logic for this new mutation composition.
module.exports = (next) => async (root, args, context, info) => {
// add returning.id to the selection
kind: 'Field',
name: {
kind: 'Name',
value: 'returning'
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: 'SelectionSet',
selections: [
kind: 'Field',
name: {
kind: 'Name',
value: 'id'
arguments: [],
directives: []
// send the mutation to the graphQL source
const result = await next(root, args, context, info)
// select returned ids
const ids = result.returning.map((c) => c.id)
// Query users enforcing fields to return
const responseUser = await context.spacexGQL.apiQuery.users(
where: { id: { _in: ids } }
fields: {
id: true,
name: true,
rocket: true,
timestamp: true,
twitter: true
// publish new users
context.pubsub.publish('usersAdded', responseUser)
return result
That's it!
Extending an endpoint with subscription is easy! Thx to tooling.
You can find the source on github.
You see all this in action directly in the playground
I'm now ready to work on the demo for Svelte Codegen! Stay tunned ;)
Special thanks to n1ru4l who helped me finding the nicest way to do it ;)