Mern App ( Node.js / React / Redux / Ant Design ) Crud & Auth
App built for DigitalOcean MongoDB Hackathon
I build Starter Crm App based on mern stack (Express.js / MongoDb / React / Redux / AntD) with generic crud and auth , admin management .
Live App Demo : https://antd-admin.idurar.net/
username : [email protected]
password : admin123
- The backend is built with node.js , express.js Framework ,and MongoDb Database
- Generic Crud Api (Create / Read / Update / Delete)
- Admin (User) Management Api
- Auth by Jwt json web token
- The Frontend is built with React.js , Ant Design (Antd), and Redux , Redux-thunk.
- Generic Crud Component (Module) (Create / Read / Update / Delete)
- Admin (User) Management Module
- Auth Component Login / Logout
- Private Route and Public Route
- Not Found Page
- Beautiful UI Dashboard
Database : Digitalocean Managed MongoDb
Node.js App : Digitalocean App Platform
React.js App : Digitalocean JamStack Platform