One Way Binding in Blazor Components
One of the major roles of a developer is on how they can make a static page either in a desktop, mobile or web application dynamic, or even if it needs to be. Binding data is a fundamental task in any single page applications (SPAs). At some point every application needs to either display data in form of labels, or receive data in the form of input fields and select boxes.
While most SPA frameworks have similar concepts for data binding, either one way binding or two way binding, the way they work and are implemented varies widely. In this post, we're going to have a good look at how one way and two way binding work in Blazor.
One way bindings have a unidirectional flow, meaning that updates to the value only flow one way. A couple of examples of one way binding are rendering a label dynamically or dynamically outputting a CSS class name in markup.
One way bindings can be constant and not change, but often the value will have a reason to be updated. Otherwise it would probably be better to avoid using a bound value altogether and just type the value out directly.
In Blazor, when modifying a one way binding the application is going to be responsible for making the change. This could be in response to user action or event such as a button click. The point being, that the user will never be able to modify the value directly, hence one way binding.
Now that we have a rudimentary idea of what one way binding is, let’s take a look of it in the form of code:
@code {
private string Title { get; set; } = "Banging Title Mate!";
In the code above, we have a component which displays a heading. The contents of that heading, Title, is a one way bound value. In order to bind one way values we use the @ symbol followed by the property, the field or even the method we want to bind too.
<button @onclick="UpdateTitle">Click to Update Title</button>
@code {
private string Title { get; set; } = "Hello, World!";
private void UpdateTitle()
Title = "Greeting, Blazor Friends!";
In the first example the value is set and never changed, in this example we've added a method which updates the value of Title when the button is clicked.
As we talked about previously, values can only be updated in one direction and here we can see that in action. When the buttons onclick event is triggered the UpdateTitle method is called and Title property is updated to the new value. Executing event handlers in Blazor triggers a re-render which updates the UI.
One Way Binding Between Components
In the previous examples, we looked at one way binding inside of a component. But what if we want one way binding across components? Using our previous example, say we wanted to display the title of a parent component in a child component, how could we achieve this? By using component parameters.
<!-- Parent Component -->
<button @onclick="UpdateTitle">Update Title</button>
<ChildComponent ParentsTitle="Title" />
@code {
private string Title { get; set; } = "Hello, World!";
private void UpdateTitle()
Title = "Hello, Blazor!";
<!-- Child Component -->
<h2>Parent Title is: @ParentsTitle</h2>
@code {
[Parameter] public string ParentsTitle { get; set; }
In the example, the parent component is passing its title into the child component via the child components ParentsTitle component parameter. When then components are first rendered the headings will be the following.
<!-- Parent Component -->
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<!-- Child Component -->
<h2>Parent Title is: Hello, World!</h2>
When the Update Title button is pressed then the output will become the following.
<!-- Parent Component -->
<h1>Hello, Blazor!</h1>
<!-- Child Component -->
<h2>Parent Title is: Hello, Blazor!</h2>
Similar to what happened with the earlier example inside a single component. The button click event calls the UpdateTitle method and the Title property is updated. Then the running of the event handler triggers a re-render of the parent component.
This also updates the Title parameter passed to the child component. Updating the component parameter triggers a re-render of the child component, updating its UI with the new title.
I cannot wait to start working on the next post for 2 way binding. If you would like to have me as your personal coach for learning how to program, feel free to email me here or email me directly at [email protected]