How to hire the best web development agency?

Do you want to hire developers in UK for your next project? Hiring the right people is one of the most critical components of a company's success and it is no rocket science. The tricky part is finding one that is not only suitable, but ideal fit for you, capable of understanding your requirements and delivering them to you.

They are the ones who deliver excellent work, generate fascinating ideas, overall improve processes and embrace the company's value and culture. Indeed, companies are all about their people. Many people start their own business ranging from a shop to a software company and they are aware of the fact that an impressive website of their business would have a great impact on the sales. And one of the reasons is that talented web development agencies are in high demand now. Everyone needs them and one which works synchronously with companies beliefs are hard to find.

All web development projects are different and without knowing the size and goals of the project, it is hard to give you clear guidance on which web developers will suit your project the best. Below, there are the most common steps mentioned to follow for hiring a web development agency that will suit small, medium and large sized projects.

Scoping The Project

The first and really crucial step in starting with development of a website is knowing your own requirements. Having a clearly thought out approach and defining the framework you want is essential for communication with the potential web development agencies you are looking to hire. So get started with your homework first!

Defining the Development Needs

Web development is a broad term and encompasses various things. Having clearly defined product requirements not only helps you get a clear idea of what you are hiring for but also is instrumental in narrowing down the choices among the prospective web development agencies.

For instance, you need a web application to be developed alongside the website, this would automatically eliminate the companies that solely offer web development as they don’t meet your requirements. You can choose to hire web app developers in UK and get an amazing solution delivered.

Building a Roadmap for Developers

A creative brief and project requirement documents are a must for building a roadmap for web development. The project requirement documents are essentially the backbone of the project. It contains the project outline, goals, product specifications, features and technical details that you wish to be incorporated by the web development agency into the final product.

This roadmap not only helps the website development team to better understand your needs but it also leads them to give you a better estimate about the time and the resources that would be required by them to complete the project.

Drawing a Framework

Nobody knows the requirements and the desired framework of your website better than you do, so drawing a basic framework of the design you have in mind constitutes the best practices. Jot down the list of features you want the web development agency to incorporate into your project.

Choosing A Web Development Company

Once you have shortlisted a list of prospective companies, focusing on certain guidelines can be influential. Here are the things you need to keep in consideration when making a selection.

Company’s own website

How the agency has designed and developed its own website will act as a screener for you. An agency that doesn’t put in the extra efforts to develop their own website isn’t one that would likely go an extra mile to ensure the success of your project either.
The things to look for are the functionality of the site, visual aesthetics, how updated it appears and the user experience it provides.

Work experience

Several niches like eCommerce require a complex development process both frontend and backend, so a web development agency that has work experience in the niche of your business is definitely an advantage. They are likely to be aware of the needs and the challenges designing and developing for you would pose.

Experience is the difference between a good developer and a great one.

Cost-Value equation

As with any other product of the market, the higher the price, the better the quality is. It is up to you to determine what value proposition would be most beneficial to you.

Pricing is calculated keeping the following three factors in consideration: technology used, experience of the company, developer’s skills. Higher prices generally result in better outputs. So the best approach is to decide on your budget range and then look for agencies willing to work within the specified price range.

Getting to know the team

It is important for you to understand who exactly would be the people working on your project. Meeting with the project manager and developers who would be working on the project not only helps establish concrete channels of communication but also helps determine credibility and establish trust in the agency.

Selecting The Right Technology Stack

A technology stack is the set of programming languages, frameworks and tools which are used by the developers for web development. It consists of a number of distinct layers of components used to build web and mobile apps. All applications consist of two main components, the client side, also known as front end and server side, also known as back end.

The front end, where the user interaction with the website occurs, consists of three main languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript and the back end comprises the database, operating system, web server, programming language and web framework.

The selection of the tech stack depends on the type of application being developed. Before deciding which tech stack that would be suitable for you, let’s do a quick run through of the popular tech stacks available.

LAMP stack: It is an abbreviation of Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.

It runs on the Linux OS, Apache HTTP server, MySQL DBMS and PHP programming language as well. LAMP works great in the creation of dynamic web applications.

MEAN stack: It is an abbreviation of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular JS and Node.js.

MongoDB is a NoSQL database, AngularJS is a JavaScript MVC framework and Express.js is a web application framework that runs on Node.js execution domain.

Python/Django: Django is a back end framework written in Python programming language.

The transparent coding ensures that the development process is both efficient and quick.

Python/Django is the tech stack of choice for designing the MVP, minimum viable product that contains all the necessary tools for future development and scalability. It can also connect to the third party applications and hence, accelerate the development process further.

No matter what your requirements may be, you should hire developers in UK who are experienced enough to meet your exact business needs. The expert professionals should be able to help you achieve the maximum ROI.