What are the various machine learning usecases for companies/enterprises ?
What are the machine learning usecases which companies/ enterprise focus on ?
(This is a placeholder for my exploration in the context of the machine learning problems solved by various companies/ enterprises, for research purposes.)
Any user facing website/webapp/mobile app / edge app could perform data collection of the users. This is in the context of data collection.
Since there are limitations with amount of data, for certain usecases, people have also come up with data synthesis, where you can create data. Image synthesis/ generation or text synthesis.
As this is a collection, a template would be helpful to follow, for standard format.
Datasets which the company might possess
Machine Learning problems/usecases
Data - is primarily in the form of text, images, videos ( sequence of images ), audio ( speech )
- user data,
- web pages accessible across internet,
- images in webpages,
- text content in webpages,
- any video uploaded in youtube,
- any video practically accessible in the internet (which has allowed crawling)
- google meet - how to blur the background, inorder to focus on the subject in the video call ?
- google meet - how to reduce background noise, inorder to focus on the speech of the subject ?
- youtube - how to recommend a particular video among a collection of videos, which is potentially watchable by that user, for a long period of time ?
- google search - which webpage or set of webpages matches the user query, in the closest possible way ?
- google search - what is the user trying to search for ?
- user data
- user credit history
- user purchase patterns
- startups to be showcased in CRED catalogue
- user investment history
- product recommendations - What product/ set of products could be recommended to a given user, which could potentially be converted to a purchase ?
- credit worthiness - What is the credit worthiness score for a user , based on various parameters ?
- purchase predictions - What is the likelihood of a product being purchased by a user in the future based on purchase history ?
Learning continues...