Python challenge_7
- Two strings are anagrams
- if you can make one from the other by rearranging the letters.
- Write a function
- named is_anagram that takes two strings as its parameters.
- Your function should return True if the strings are anagrams,
and False otherwise.
For example,
the call is_anagram("typhoon", "opython") should return True while the call
is_anagram("Alice", "Bob") should return False.
- You can compare how many times each letter appears in each string.
- Alternatively, sorting the letters in each string makes this much easier.
def is_anagram(string_one, string_two):
str_dic_one = {}
str_dic_tow = {}
for str_one in string_one:
if str_one in str_dic_one:
str_dic_one[str_one] += 1
str_dic_one[str_one] = 1
for str_tow in string_two:
if str_tow in str_dic_tow:
str_dic_tow[str_tow] += 1
str_dic_tow[str_tow] = 1
if str_dic_one == str_dic_tow:
return True
return False
print(is_anagram('typhoon', 'opython'))
def is_anagram(string1, string2):
return sorted(string1) == sorted(string2)
def count_letters(string):
return {l: string.count(l) for l in string}
def is_anagram(string1, string2):
return count_letters(string1) == count_letters(string2)
Add your solution in the comment :)