How to be a Bad Developer!?

Hello, everyone Nomadev here, back with another blog on tech. I think all have read about the Traits of a Good Software Engineer many times before. But here is the RECIPE TO MAKE YOU A BAD PROGRAMMER

For becoming a bad programmer you should

- Only watch tutorials, Never code!

The first step to be a bad programmer is to watch tutorials WITHOUT practicing by coding them.

You need to believe you will understand concepts just by seeing them, that's the most important thing one should start with.

- Code more, think less

A bad programmer will first code then think of how to go about it. Terms like pseudo-code, mind mapping are none of their business. When presented with a problem, the bad programmer will start thinking about solutions first. Debugging is for the birds. And a truly bad programmer will actually put that solution in without actually verifying the problem first. By doing so, he will snag the prestigious “Fastest time from bug filing to actual check-in time into the source repository” award.

- NOT following DRY & KISS

DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself
KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid

A bad programmer will extent simple programming into unnecessary long code, not using functions/structures is a plus.

- Memorize syntax, not the logic

The key ingredient to becoming a bad programmer is memorizing code.
A bad programmer will never take the effort of understanding the logic that goes into the process


A bad programmer just wants to go language to language and not to learn important concepts like algorithms, frameworks, complexity, etc