Logging & Tracing in Python, FastApi, OpenCensus and Azure
Logging. Even it's quite important to have good logging (and tracing) in an application, sometimes it's forgotten or underestimated. And even we can go well for some time just with print()
, establishing good logging can significantly improve DX and production debugging.
We will go through the basics of logging in Python and its' configurations and then how to use OpenCensus to collect logs & traces and export them to Azure Application Insights.
This guide will try to cover the topic from zero to hero, therefore it will consist of several parts. This 1st part will be about Python, logging, and at the end, we'll create a simple FastApi server with a logging setup.
Python - Python language and
moduleFastApi - Modern python web framework for building APIs. It's based on Pydantic and type hints to validate, serialize, and deserialize data, and automatically auto-generate OpenAPI documents
OpenCensus - OpenCensus is a set of libraries for various languages that allow you to collect application metrics and distributed traces, then transfer the data to a backend of your choice in real-time
Azure AppInsights - is an Azure monitoring and analytics tool for your resources. It is aggregated by
Azure Monitor
orAzure LogAnalytics
so this guide applies more/less for these tools too
Although we'll show examples mostly on FastApi and later on Azure, most of the stuff we'll learn we'll be easily applicable on any Python or OpenCensus powered applications.
Python comes by default with a logging module named logging
. The standard way how to use it is to request a named logger and use that to emit messages:
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("my-api")
log.info("Hello 42")
It's common to create a logger with __name__
in each file to have it easily distinguishable or have one specific based on the name.
It should be mentioned that
returns logger namedmy-api
if created before otherwise it crates one and returns it. It was a little bit unexpected for me to have more experience in JS/React world and its' behavior will be important later in this guide.
There are several logging levels and almost all of them (not NOTSET
) have their appropriate log function like log.error("omg")
- 40 - ERROR
- 30 - WARNING
- 20 - INFO
- 10 - DEBUG
- 0 - NOTSET
Setting the logging level to a certain value tells the library to handle all messages with the same level and up. So WARNING level will emit all WARNING, ERROR & CRITICAL events.
For now, it doesn't do much except ordinary printing. We need to configure it to make it really useful.
We can configure it:
- explicitly using Python code
- from config file using
- from
Config is easier to read but a little bit less flexible. The combination is possible but I encountered some issues when I integrated "too many" features.
In this guide I will try to show dict & code variants, but later the final solution will be in
for reasons mentioned before.
Configuring logging or actually, logger(s) means basically adding Formatter
and Handler
to them.
Prepared basic configuration with default Formatter
and StreamHandler
import logging
FORMAT = "%(levelname)s:%(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT, level=logging.DEBUG)
logging.debug('This message should appear on the console')
Let's dive into a more detailed config. It's dict
variant on one from docs:
FORMAT: str = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
logging_config = {
"version": 1, # mandatory field
# if you want to overwrite existing loggers' configs
# "disable_existing_loggers": False,
"formatters": {
"basic": {
"format": FORMAT,
"handlers": {
"console": {
"formatter": "basic",
"class": "logging.StreamHandler",
"stream": "ext://sys.stderr",
"level": LOG_LEVEL,
"loggers": {
"simple_example": {
"handlers": ["console"],
"level": LOG_LEVEL,
# "propagate": False
import logging
# create logger
logger = logging.getLogger('simple_example')
# 'application' code
logger.debug('debug message')
logger.info('info message')
logger.warning('warn message')
logger.error('error message')
logger.critical('critical message')
What happens here is pretty simple. We are configuring a logger named simple_example
with handler console
that streams to standard output and uses a formatter named basic
- formatter says how the log output should look like
- handler takes formatter and sends the log to defined destination
logger takes handlers(s) and passes logs to them. Logger can be called with
So if you start to ask yourself. Yes. Either formatters
or also handlers
can be omitted. Then standard output and format are used.
Variant of above dict
doc example in code
looks like this :
import logging
# create logger
logger = logging.getLogger('simple_example')
# create console handler and set level to debug
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
# add formatter to ch
# add ch to logger
# 'application' code
logger.debug('debug message')
logger.info('info message')
logger.warning('warn message')
logger.error('error message')
logger.critical('critical message')

Now we know everything necessary to implement logging into FastApi server. Let's start with the basic folder structure and files.
├── app
│ ├── core
│ │ └── log_config.py
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── main.py
└── requirements.txt
I recon AVOIDING renaming
as it can create some conflicts with thelogging
# requirements.txt
# log_config.py
# put one of 2 versions of config from above here
# you can choose whichever you like more
<code from abouve>
# main.py
import logging
from logging.config import dictConfig
from fastapi import FastAPI
from app.core.log_config import app_dict_config, init_loggers
# This should run as soon as possible to catch all logs
# Run only one of these
# dictConfig(app_dict_config)
# FastApi app
app = FastAPI()
# init our logger
log = logging.getLogger("simple_example")
# first endpoint
def log_now():
log.debug("/api/log_now starts")
log.info("I'm logging")
log.warning("some warnings")
return {"result": "OK"}
What happens here? We initiate loggers, start app
and create logger log
named simple_example. Then we create endpoint /log_now
that surprisingly... just logs.
Let's install requirements.txt
and start the app with uvicorn
# install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# start uvicorn server on
uvicorn app.main:app --reload
Then in another terminal run
curl localhost:8000/log_now
And you should see something like this

Almost perfect. We can now update the formatting to polish it. Any default LogRecords attributes can be used. But to have the same colorful formatting as uvicorn we need to use also its' formatter
and its' formatting attribute %(levelprefix)s
Update your config:
# both variants:
FORMAT: str = "%(levelprefix)s %(asctime)s | %(message)s"
# dict variant:
app_dict_config = {
# ...
"formatters": {
"basic": {
"()": "uvicorn.logging.DefaultFormatter",
"format": FORMAT,
# ...
# code variant:
def init_loggers(logger_name: str = "simple_example"):
# create formatter
formatter = uvicorn.logging.DefaultFormatter(FORMAT)
# ...
For last but not least we can change the date format with:
# dict
"datefmt": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
formatter = uvicorn.logging.DefaultFormatter(FORMAT, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

What configuration or libs do you use for logging in Python? Or you miss anything important. Let me know in comments. Also this is my first "blog" so any feedback is appretiated :)
In the next episodes, we'll take a better look at how to get our logs into Azure AppInsights, trace requests, visualize them, and more...