Free nextjs template for portfolios and personal blogs

preview here
source code here

Why you should create your personal blog or portfolio?

If you have the ability in all areas of the world, without the proper introduction of your abilities, you did not use them at all. It does not matter if you are a programmer or an architect, or a designer or ..., having a portfolio increases your chances of a better and more comprehensive introduction. So if you are going to apply for a job or a university field or a suitable position that you are considering, you should use a blog or portfolio to introduce yourself and your abilities and activities well.

What is theBag?

theBag is a multipurpose template created with Nextjs and MUI V5 which can be used for Portfolios, Resumes, CVs, and Personal websites and blogs.

check it out here


This project is created by NextJs, Mui v5 (formerly Material-UI) using typescript.

  • More than 30 reusable components
  • 5 custom icon component
  • 9 section component
  • 1 layout

Some features

  • Images will be optimized because of using nextjs Image component
  • Mui Skeleton for images while loading
  • Links are wrapped by nextjs Link component
  • Smooth scrolling
  • Mui Grow effect
  • Typing effect
  • Swiperjs custom slider for showing recent projects or anything else that you want.
  • Custom image carousel using swiperjs
  • Formik for forms
  • Yup for form validation
  • Dynamic page for an individual project
  • Dynamic page for a blog post
  • Completely responsive for all devices


Well, theBag is a completely free template to use for both personal and commercial purposes. Actually there is no limit.

How to use?

Project source code is available on github and you can check it out from this link. You can download it or fork it in case you wanna get notified on changes.

Some of lighthouse results

  • home page
  • hire me page
  • my projects page


Although this is a free template, I have provided it with great care and time so that you can make the most of it. Let me know your comments, suggestions, and criticisms.

you can also check my website mopeim