What Are the Basic Features of NextJS?

10 Best Next.js Basic Features for Application Developers

Next.js has completely transformed the way React applications are created. It has become a go-to framework of many developers due to its amazing features that ease the process of app development. When you hire Next.JS developers for your app development project, you can ensure that your application will have seamless navigation and an enhanced look. It is an open-source JavaScript framework with React-based app functionalities. Next.js has evolved a lot with the addition of new features along with other previously outstanding ones. By reading further, you will learn about the framework’s basic features.

Some Best Next.JS Features to Look Out For

1.Data Fetching

Two pre-rendering types are server-side rendering and static generation. All these things matter for creating HTML for the web page. Server-side rendering is something where HTML is created on every request. Meanwhile, static generation helps produce HTML at the build time, which can be reutilized on every request. Next.js enables you to select the pre-rendering structure for every single page. Companies that hire Next.js developers can create a hybrid app with the help of static generation for almost all pages.

2.Built-in CSS

In Next.js, you can import each CSS record from the JavaScript file. The feature shows that Next.js is widening its importing idea beyond JavaScript. It uses styled-jsx by default and therefore, it separates the all style labels for particular pages. One does not have to stress overwriting them. These styles are created on both server-side and client-side. This is why you can see a design just when you visit the site. Such arrangements have pros and cons, but fortunately, in Next.js, the components are easy to set up even without styled-jsx. You can simply use CSS-in-JS to get the effect.


Pages are one of the best Next.js features, and they can be rendered using JavaScript and libraries. Instead of creating a JavaScript record including all app codes, the app is separated through some of the distinct assets of Next.js. When you load a page, it simply loads the essentials of JavaScript for that particular page. The platform does this work through studying and dissecting the imported resources.

If your page imports Axios library by any chance, the specific page will incorporate the library in its pack. It guarantees that the loading of your first page will be faster, and the future pages loading will send the anticipated JavaScript to customers.

4.Image Optimization

Next.js has the Image Optimization and Image Component. The Image Component refers to the HTMLcomponent expansion, which is the need for cutting-edge apps. With Image Optimization, developing, resizing, and serving images in configurations is easier. It does not transfer any huge image to gadgets that have smaller viewport. Next.js allows for embracing future image formats and serving all of them to the browser that supports those formats. It can work with all picture sources. No matter whether an outside source provides the images or not, they can be upgraded.


Next.js provides a better TypeScript experience similar to IDE. If you hire Next.js developers for your project, they can make a TypeScript one by creating next-application with –typescript or –ts flag.

Learn more here Cool Features of Next.JS for App Developers: https://www.rlogical.com/blog/10-best-next-js-basic-features-for-application-developers/