Next.js Conf – Special Edition - What's new in next.js?

The Next conference, which took place on the 15th of the 6th of 2020, was based on the UX User Experience and the DX Developer Experience, claiming to be the main concerns of the next, along with making the internet faster, which has been the theme from vercel, responsible for the framework.


At this conference it was talked about the user experience (UX) and the developer experience (DX). According to the philosophy of next, the user experience is about real-time feedback.

I've been using next for some time and I can calmly say that in this aspect it doesn't fall short. I remember talking to my friend and programmer at the time about developing an application in next and publishing using vecel and how good that was. At the time he answered me something like "but other technologies do that" and I answered something like "but he has something different because you know I don't usually talk about something if it doesn't impress me". Well, the next one impressed me at the time and it still impresses me today in that sense

The presentation of the next .js/11

The presentation of next.js 11 reinforced the concern with the developer experience, claiming that they reduced the time it takes to start an application from scratch in the next and for errors to be presented on your screen.

1 - What's new?

Next.js/live: The true form of real-time collaboration. An innovation that promises. With it, it will be possible to comment, share, design and edit the code of your application through vercel's servers. I can't wait to see the applications of this tool on the desktop, the announcement of this conference drew attention to this innovation of the next that seems to be vercel's main bet for the react framework.
Images: The "image" component of next.js received a lot of attention from the 8 minutes of the announcement. It was talked about its importance in relation to performance optimizations in one of the main causes of slow loading of pages, which is the images, which has a big impact on the second base of thought of the next: the user experience. Also, next images can now have image placeholders, responsible for filling the "empty holes" of images that didn't load due to a bad internet connection. This new feature essentially improves the user experience with a weak internet connection.
Script component: In this new version of next.js, the script component responsible for optimizing third-party scripts was introduced. Another technique that claims to improve both the user experience and the developer experience:


Conformance is a set of rules that can evaluate code patterns will need to be a combination of static code analysis and dynamic checks. Provided by google in partnership with next

Conformance is responsible for answering the following questions:

what constitutes optimal loading and what are the common issues that can adversely impact it?

What solutions can be incorporated that don't need any developer input?
How can we ensure that the developer uses these solutions and takes advantage of them optimally?
What other choices could the developer make to affect loading performance?
What are the coding patterns that can tell us about these choices (#3 and #4 above) at the beginning of creation?
What rules can we formulate for evaluating these code standards?
How can they be presented to the developer at creation time while seamlessly integrated into the workflow?