Turn Swagger Theme to the Dark Mode

So you have Swagger integrated into your .NET Core Web API application. Maybe even using my previous guide. And now you want to customize it a bit.

I prefer my UI’s dark. So, when I am presented with a predominantly white screen from the Swagger default theme, I immediately want to change it. Luckily SwaggerUI supports CSS injection.

Here are the tweaks that we need to make:

Changes for Startup.cs

Enable support for static files in a Configure() method


Add folder structure with custom CSS

      └── SwaggerDark.css

Inject custom CSS

Now we can inject the custom CSS with InjectStylesheet()

app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
    c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "MyAPI");

You’ve read till the end, so as a thank you here’s the link to the dark theme I just mentioned. It even comes with a dark scroll bar and custom drop-down arrows. https://github.com/Amoenus/SwaggerDark/

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