Discord Tatsumaki Bot (Features, Commands and Setup)

Tatsu Bot is a holistic and all-rounder discord bot used for social aspects such as moderation, display of member profiles, chatting while gaming on discord servers, creating an interactive community with unique content, automation, customization, and much more.

Tatsumaki bot is a popular gaming discord bot. It is a rapidly growing community with the Tatsu bot connected to more than 1,351,326 servers and counting. This bot provides a holistic discord experience. This article will tell you all about the tatsu discord bot, its features, commands, and how to set it up on discord.

Tatsumaki Bot: Features

Interactive games plus chatting

Tatsu Bot on discord is all about the most fun and interactive games. You can play these games synergistically with your friends while chatting. The content of the games is unique and good in quality.

The customizable and automated features

Tatsu’s features are fully customizable and automated. All kinds of roles, such as reaction roles, activity roles, auto roles, etc., are all automated, so the tatsukami bot will do the job of organizing the community for you. However, the feature of customization will help you stay in control of the community.

Incentive system: XP, Levelling and upvoting

Incentive system and activity offered by Tatsu bot on discord is one of its most talked-about features. The incentive system lets members earn XP and levels. The levels are designed well and visually appealing.

The upvoting or reputation system allows members to upvote another member that they wish to. Once up-voted, their reputation is displayed on the member profiles.

server economy- currency and credits

You can use the creator studio available from the bot to create your server currency along with items and a server store. This currency can be used to earn credits for customizations. You can display your profile and rank cart! Changelogs and display customizations from your server store.

Things can be customized for your server

Every server has a different community and niche to accommodate. With tatsu’s range of features, there’s something for everyone. There are so many outstanding awards and accountability features to keep the community engaged.

Other than that, welcome messages, notifications, channels, and other stuff can also be customized and modified. The dashboard allows you to enable or disable specific commands. Your profile info can also be modified on the dashboard.


To stay informed and up-to-date with RSS feeds from various websites (including Reddit, feed burner, etc.) and filter the info and articles by setting tags.

Voting and polls

Voting and making polls on essential issues and initiating lotteries, and deciding winners help make the community an integrated and interactive place.

Search integration: this option allows to obtain the top search result from YouTube, Google, Urban Dictionary, and Wikipedia on your discord server.


Tatsumaki bot on discord also allows you to set reminders for up to a week.

Moderation features

Moderation includes server management and user management.

Server management can be done by using moderation tools present in the commands section.

User management can be done using kick and ban commands.

Fun commands

Tatsu Bot has a range of fun commands. You can use image commands to display random images from Reddit chats. Game-related commands, such as a player profile, player stats, can be displayed. You can also lookup your favorite anime, anime characters, and this search is vast and covers various anime.

Discord Tatsumaki Bot Commands

@tatsumaki: This command can be used to chat with tatsumaki.

t! help [command ]: this Command displays a list of commands to get helpful info and examples.

t! ping: This command can help you to check if the tatsumaki bot is online.

t! support: This command helps to post a link to the tatsumaki support server.

t! changelog: This command fetches tatsumaki’s changelogs from the support server.

t! server: this command shows info about the current channel such as server ID, roles, member, region, etc.

t! info [user ]: this command allows you to get info such as ID and date of joining of any user.

t! profile [@user ]: You can view yours or someone else’s customizable global profile using this command.

t! rank [@user ]: This command can be used to view your or someone else’s server rank card.

t! top [global | server ] [page ]: This command displays members with the most server score or global XP.

t! dailies [@user ]: Get or award your daily credits. More credits will be given at random if given to someone else.

t! reputation [@user ]: This command can be used to award someone a reputation point. You should know that this command can only be used once every 24 hours.

t! dailies [@user ]: This command can be used to get or award your daily credits. More credits will be given at random if given to someone else.

t! image : This command can get a random image from Imgur.

t! dice [(rolls) d(sides) ]: this command can be used to roll a dice with six sides or as specified.

t! coin: This command can be used to flip a coin.

t!8ball [question ]: This command can ask the magic eight ball a question.

t! cat facts: This command can be used to get cat facts.

t! cookie : Using this command, give someone a cookie.

t! reverse : This command can be used to return the input backward.

t! youtube : This command can help search and return YouTube videos.

t! urban : This command can help search and retrieve urban dictionary definitions.

t! wiki : This command can search and return Wikipedia content.

t@help [command]: Using this command, one can get a list of moderator commands.

t! manga : Using this command, one can get details of a manga from MAL.

t! anime : Using this command, one can get details of an anime from MAL.

How to add Tatsumaki Bot to Discord

  • First, go to Tatsumaki Bot in your web browser
  • Now log in by clicking on the login option in the upper right corner. You can log in by entering your email credentials.
  • If you are not already registered, you may do that first.
  • After logging in, select the discord server you wish to add the bot to.
  • Next, select the features you want to add and click on the accept button.
  • Now log back into your discord server and check whether or not Tatsumaki Bot has been added.
  • In the commands tab on your discord server, you will be able to view all the commands that you’ve added.

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With an endless list of beneficial features from moderation to server economy, incentive system, customizations, modifications, reminders, valuable and fun commands, etc., the Tatsumaki bot has it all. It is a handy Bot to add to your discord server.

The Tatsu community has been growing for all these reasons, and by following the guide above about what the Tatsu bot is, what are its incredible commands and features and how to add it to your server, one can get an idea about it. This article is ample in doing the job.

This article Discord Tatsumaki Bot was origanlly published on Techcollaborative


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