Project Showcase - The Journey
There's Dribbble, Behance, etc. for Designers;
Codechef, Codeforces, Hackerrank, (*infinity) for Competitive Programmers;
ProductHunt, IndieHacker for Launching Products;
LinkedIn for…guess what? -> Certifications 👀 ;
And what about Developers ???
Here I am, introducing Project Showcase, a platform for people to showcase their projects, get upvotes and feedback from the community, discover projects by peers and build a project-centric profile!!
I am a part of few discord servers where there's all coding-related stuff going on, and guess what, each one of those servers has a separate channel just for people to showcase their projects. I once observed that some of them had posted the same project on multiple servers to receive as much feedback/reach as they can.
And this is what convinced me to start building this platform.
Also, on this platform, unlike Product Hunt, the focus would not be on how unique or viable the project is (business-wise), but on how well the project is made as far as technicalities and design go.
A growing segment of the developer/designer/product market is looking for people with past projects having been made. A portfolio site where projects can be showcased, and also where great projects can be discovered can help foster this community.
Now comes the most awaited part, the features this platform provides!
Currently, as an MVP, we can
- Login with Google
- Upload Projects (with links to GitHub, YouTube, Live site, etc.)
- Have a separate page for each project with its details, feedback section and a link to creator's profile.
- Explore projects by filtering them as New, Trending and Popular.
- Get your projects Upvoted and watch them grow in the Trending/Popular list.
- Also, get yourself in the Top Creators List (of the week) depending upon the no. of votes your project(s) have received.
- A profile page showcasing all the projects uploaded and upvoted.
This isn't it, there are a lot more features incoming😁 like Badges for various milestones, editing the profile and project details page, etc.
A feedback-rich and competitive environment would motivate/help all of us to build projects with much more care and efficacy.
Also, let's make it easier for both developers(us) and companies looking to hire candidates based on the projects they have made just by having all our projects in one place!
All your feedbacks/suggestions are very much welcome.
GitHub Repos for the Project:-
Client Repo - https://github.com/vighnesh192/project-showcase-client
Server Repo - https://github.com/vighnesh192/project_showcase_server
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