Flutter Beginners RoadMap (2021)

Hey Folks!

Do you want to learn flutter & don't know how to proceed your learning process? I have created a flutter roadmap for beginners. This helps you to learn flutter in 30 days (4 week).

Flutter Beginners Roadmap

Week 1

  • Installation
  • Hello world
  • Understand Widgets
  • UI Widgets
  • Layouts
  • Flash Light App

Week 2

  • Dart Basics
  • Duplicate Any App
  • Networking
    • Http CRUD
    • Upload / Download files
  • Quiz App
  • Motivational Quotes App / Recipe App / News App

Week 3

  • Grocery App UI
  • Packages
    • Camera
    • Geolocation
    • Google Maps

Week 4

  • Complete Grocery App with Firebase Backend
  • Firebase (Auth, FireStore, Storage, Push Notification, Cloud functions)
  • Deployment