IAC & DevX Status Updates; it's a marathon, not a sprint

Community Contributions

We’d like to thank the following people in the Puppet Community for their contributions over this past week:

Check all the ways to reach us if you want to directly contact us about anything module related.

New Module / Gem Releases

The following modules were released this week:

Community Day

We had a great community day this week and processed 28 issues and PRs across our supported modules and tooling. And a shout out again to cocker-cc for their continued engagement in adding Sensitive Datatype support to more modules.

Kubernetes Conformance

We’re very happy to announce that we finished running the conformance tests for v1.20 on our kubernetes module. Its official, our supported Kubernetes Puppet module is a certified installer for Kubernetes v1.20. It was a long journey with a lot of lessons, first about k8s components and workflow, but also about how to approach each situation and invest the time. If you’re curious about the process, you can find our PR on the cncf repository.

DevX Team

Porting modules to Cloud CI

Puppet’s Partner Integrations (PIE) Team have successfully ported the tests to run on Cloud CI and configured the repository to use our Automated Release Workflow. Thanks to Bill Hurt and Sharon Nam for the collaboration opportunity.

DSC Builder

The new DSC module builder is inching ever closer to the finish line and the 1.0 release with an automated publishing pipeline is in sight. This required coordinated efforts all across our teams, involving everything from Michael’s relentless persistence to Josh’s assistance with some core Puppet updates to support imprecise DSC Resources, all the way to Gabi’s journey to add Windows long path support to upstream Ruby itself. This has been a marathon, with all sorts of new challenges discovered along the way, but thanks to everyone’s hard work we’re nearly there.