Style Your Bash Terminal Without ZSH

Tweak your Linux terminal in a minute, without using ZSH.

Begin Tweaking

Copy this line of code:

curl -sS | sh

Open Terminal and paste the copied command there and press enter.

After this command completes, quit your terminal and open it up again.


You've already tweaked your terminal!

Further Modification of Already Modified Terminal

I'm not really a fan of this look, so I'm going to modify it a bit.

There's many themes available on the fancygit repository.

I like the fancygit human theme, so I'd open a terminal and enter this exact command.

Now my terminal looks like this:

But I'd rather it not show the time.

What are you waiting for, open your terminal, we're going to fix it from there.

On your terminal and enter this command:

fancygit --help

A help menu would appear with all the options available for fancygit.

We can see that the command fancygit --disable-show-time would remove the time, so we just copy it and then quit the menu by pressing q and paste the copied command.

Done. We're done.